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In this article you will learn, how to configure the Product data source table. This table exists out-of-the-box, so you’re only configuring its fields. And because the fields need to be synchronized with the Product Master table, mostly the whole configuration shrinks to a simple action.

The configured Product data source can look like this:

sneak peek picture

Configure the data source fields

navigate to Analytics  Data Manager  Data Sources. You will see all the existing data source tables including the out-of-the-box table Product.

data source list

Click on the label Product of the data source to open its detail. The detail page opens, showing you the fields of Product data source

data source product detail

Click on the button Sync Meta Data. If you cannot see the button, then review the actions under button …​. The list of fields will be copied/synchronized from fields of product master table (found under MasterData Products). So you need to first configure the Product Master table before configuring this data source.

data source product after sync

Click on Deploy button to deploy the changes of fields names and types to the database. If you cannot see the button, then review the actions under button …​.

A confirmation dialog named Comparison will popup, to allow you to see the differences between the current and future version of the table metadata. Click Deploy to confirm the change.

Review the new metadata - notice that the column Function has now a database icon, which tells you, that this field is now available in the database table.

data source product deployed

Fetch the data source Product fields metadata to your project

In case you already have your project set up in IntelliJ and also connection to partition set up.

Fetch the new fields' metadata to your project.

fetch data source attributes

Copy data from Product master to Product data source

In many scenarios, the data will get to the Product data source as a copy of data from Products master table. If you want to perform the copy, then continue.

Navigate to Analytics  Data Manager  Data Loads

data load list

Find the data load with Target DMDS.Product and Type Internal Copy, and click on the link in Label to open the detail of the data load.

run data load

Click on the Run Data Load. This action will schedule the task for execution, but the task does not start immediately - expect up to 1 minute to start.

Use the refresh on the Job/Task Tracking section to see if the status of the task has changed to Ready.

you can also schedule this process to be done regularly (via the +AddTask button), or you can start this Data Load from the data integration tool like Integration Manager just after you uploaded new data into the Product Master.

Once the process finishes (status is Ready), review the data in the data source.

Navigate to Analytics  Data Manager  Data Sources

Click the Product label to open the detail of the Product data source

Open the tab Data and use refresh action to refresh the data from database.

data source data

You can also revisit the MasterData Products to see, if the list of product in the data source matches the original table.