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This article summarizes all of the configuration possibilities for a Quote.
Using logics you can implement all the price calculations you need.
Quote Item Logic – Creates input fields and calculates the results. This is a mandatory logic for quote calculation.
Quote Header logic – Prepares header inputs and calculates quote overall summaries. This is optional.
The pre-configured types of quotes are stored in:
The following entities are used to store quote data:
See their relations in Quote Entity Relationship Diagram.
There are many options, which can be set up in Configuration pages under Administration › Configuration and influence behavior of the application.
Values of those options are then stored in Advanced Configuration Options, which can be fetched to the project configuration files.
As an example of what can be done via advanced properties:
Product Recommendations
Lost Deal/Quote Reasons
Filter on list of quotes displayed to user
Feature flags are settings in key-value form, which influences the application’s front-end behavior and appearance.
To change them, navigate to Administration › Feature Flags.
Once modified, feature flags values are stored in advanced configuration option crm_config
Page Feature Flags (Quotes) contains a list of feature flags related to Quotes.
Quote is an approvable document, so it can have an approval workflow. For details see Approval Workflow Configuration Overview.
You can configure access to:
List of Quotes, via:
Assignment of the User to Roles
Configuration option quoteApplyOwnQuotesFilter to see only own quotes
Configuration option quoteApplyCustomerFilter – apply user’s customer filter
Detail of a Quote, via:
Quote Entitlement Filter Logic
Document Creation Workflow in Pricefx UI documentation
Creation Workflow Logic API in Knowledge Base
Message Templates in Pricefx UI Documentation
Email Templates Editor in Studio
Interceptor is a mechanism developed mainly for integration of Pricefx UI with CRM systems. It allows the developer to enrich the Pricefx UI with additional Javascript code which is called pre or post certain actions.
Interceptors in Pricefx UI documentation
Interceptors Reference in Knowledge Base