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You’re using Rebate Agreement Header logic when you need to:
create input fields on
rebate agreement header
rebate agreement folders
rebate agreement items (not so common)
hide the out-of-the-box header input fields
add or remove the rebate agreement items and folders - e.g. modify the structure of the document
calculate results for
the whole rebate agreement - e.g. summaries like grand total price or overall margin
the folders (not so common) - e.g. sub-summaries for the folders
the items (not so common) - e.g. particular results of the line items
Logic Nature: rebateAgreementHeader
Logic Type: Calculation/Pricing
Execution Types:
Standard - standard execution of this header logic is done 2x, the executions being called phases. They have different purpose, so you must distinguish those executions in the code by checking, which execution it is right now:
pre-phase - the first execution called pre-phase - to create input fields on header, folders or items, and to create/remove the items/folders
post-phase - and second execution is called post-phase - to calculate summary info of items and store them on header, folder or items
Information provided to the logic
binding variables:
raProcessor: RebateAgreementBuilder
Expected logic execution outcome
none - the results of the logic elements are not stored nor displayed anywhere (with exception when testing the logic in Studio)
As you can have potentially more rebate agreement header logics, you must select the one, which will be used, when user is working with rebate agreement document.
This is done in Advanced Configuration Option called defaultRAHeaderFormula, the content of this option is the name of the header logic to be used.
The option can be also set up on page
, via setting Default RA Header logic, and then fetched to the project as configuration file.We do not have a rebate agreement specific sample, but you can review samples for quotes and contracts. The principles used in those samples are exactly the same as those in rebate header.
There are some commonly used functions for header logics:
read the data of the rebate agreement header and items
raProcessor. getRebateAgreementView()
check, for which phase is the logic being executed now:
raProcessor. isPrePhase()
raProcessor. isPostPhase()
create input fields on either header, folder or item
raProcessor. addOrUpdateInput()
create outputs/results on either header, folder or item
raProcessor. addOrUpdateOutput