***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ********************** WARNING ********************** ********************** WARNING ********************** ********************** WARNING ********************** ********************** WARNING ********************** ********************** WARNING ********************** ********************** WARNING ********************** ********************** WARNING ********************** ********************** WARNING ********************** ********************** WARNING ********************** ********************** WARNING ********************** This Confluence article was automatically generated from Asciidoc. Any changes you make to this document will be overridden! If you want to change the content, consider leaving a comment. You can edit the content directly here: https://gitlab.pricefx.eu/training/pricefx-knowledge-base/-/tree/dev/public/content/docs/walkthroughs/quotes/configure-custom-header ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ********************** WARNING ********************** ********************** WARNING ********************** ********************** WARNING ********************** ********************** WARNING ********************** ********************** WARNING ********************** ********************** WARNING ********************** ********************** WARNING ********************** ********************** WARNING ********************** ********************** WARNING ********************** ********************** WARNING **********************

At the top of a Quote detail page, you can display a collapsible header which will be available on all tabs (e.g. also for Items).

This customer header can contain:

quote custom header 2

The content and layout of the custom header are defined in an active Quote header logic. If needed, the custom header can be displayed dynamically depending on a condition in the header logic.

To configure the custom header, add an output with resultName __UI_DetailPageHeader to the Quote in the post-processing phase of the header logic. The result field of the added output is an array of objects which form the custom header:

Objects that have neither chart nor field/input property are ignored.

Result objects in the custom header are formatted using CSS Flexbox that can be customized using the properties shown in the example.

if (quoteProcessor.isPrePhase()) {

    def input1 = api.inputBuilderFactory()
            .setOptions(["one", "two", "three"])
            .setParameterGroup("__UI_DetailPageHeaderInputs")  //❶



❶ This will position it to the custom header.

if (quoteProcessor.isPostPhase()) {
            "resultName": "__UI_DetailPageHeader",
            "resultType": CalculationResultType.SIMPLE.toString(),
            "result"    : [
                    [ // column with standard fields
                      fields: [

                    [ // another column with standard fields
                      fields: [
                    [ //column with custom header inputs
                      inputs: [
                              [ "name": "myCustomHeaderInput1" ]

                    [ // column with highchart
                      chart: [
                              resultName: "MyChart",
                              resultType: "HIGHCHART",
                              result    : createResultHighchart()
                      // width : 250, // initial width in pixels (number) or CSS width (string)
                      // height: 250, // chart height in pixels, default is 200
                      // backgroundColor: 'yellow' // optional
                      // 'min-width': 200, // optional and of the same type as width
                      // 'max-width': 400, // optional and of the same type as width
                      // flex: '1 1 auto' // optional, see CSS flex


A working logic sample can be also found here: Quote_Header_CustomHeaderDemo