1. Create a calculation logic with input parameters

Assuming that we'll send the body request like this, which we need to pass the CustomerID and ProductID:

    "data": {
        "CustomerID": "111980",
        "ProductID": "1504795"

Now create a calculation logic, that returns any expected data, to receive request parameter, e.g ProductID, using api.input("ProductID")

2. Request the logic with POSTMAN

At first, encode with the Base64 the combined string with this format: partition_name/username:password

Assuming that you already have Postman, let's create a new POST request with the below configuration:

Endpoint: https://staging.pricefx.eu/pricefx/partition_name/formulamanager.executeformula/logic_name
Authorization Type: No Auth

Headers: Add 2 new pairs:

Request body: would be the above JSON request

The response result will look like:

    "response": {
        "node": "node1",
        "csrfToken": "1dtkww9y7hg8vs2qnh4u9ct0t",
        "data": [
                "resultName": ...,
                "resultLabel": ...,
        "status": 0

References: https://qa.pricefx.eu/pricefx-api/json/master.html#!/formula/executeformula