Product Segmentation per Feature

Product Segmentation per Feature

Product Segmentation controls how some Price Parameters will be generated during the deployment. It means that changes to this configuration require additional administrative actions described in https://pricefx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ACC/pages/5932943535.

We support a "general" lookup key that is applicable for every lookup where you do not define a specific one. You can define a specific set of lookup keys for different tables and features in Price Setting Package during deployment. 

There is the option to define other specific lookup keys per feature. It is possible to define the lookup keys for following features:






Used whenever there is no specific lookup key per feature.


Selection of the strategies and importance.


Minimum margin used for warnings and margin checks.


Markup factor between the Parent Price List and the Dependent one.


Quantities and volume discounts for price lists.


Factor for the Cost Plus Price strategy that is applied to the cost base to get a price.


Factor for (periodic) price increase that is applied to the old price to get a new increased price.


Predicted additional discount. This is used in Target Price Strategy to anticipate influence of additional On-Invoice and Off-Invoice Price conditions.


Selection of "Base Strategies". Base Strategies are usually defined on more generic level to have some basic pricing rules across the complete product portfolio.


Corridor used for price harmonization checks. It is used to check how strong the consistency in the general pricing rules is. The smaller this KPI is, the more the Dependent Pricing is aligned with the overall rules set. When strictly following the Parent Level Prices and the defined markup factor, it is zero.


Corridor used for price harmonization checks. This is used to check the harmonization of the prices themselves between Parent Level Price in Dependent Level Price. When AdjustedPriceCorridor is zero, this will exactly mirror the markup factor between the two.


Parameter to define the relevant competitors. You can decide if your competition based strategies will use all competition data or only the set of relevant competition data.


When you have more than one cost type (e.g. Cost with freight, Average Warehouse Cost, ...) you can decide per product segment which of them is used (for calculation of margin, for Cost Plus pricing strategy, ...).


Discount you have in your discount structure. It is used in the Gross/Net mode to calculate the net price based on the calculated List Price.


Each of the lookups will have generated multiple tables, based on dependency hierarchy. For details see Dependent Price Lists and Data Fallbacks.

To learn more about Hierarchical Lookups, visit https://pricefx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ACC/pages/5933926282.

Before deployment it is important to consider what features will be used. For every feature you have to think about the granularity which will be required for data later. This is generally a business decision.