available since version 11.0
This example shows how to create a button on a dashboard, which will cause creation of a new Action Item with given Action Item Type, and with provided values.
On configuration page for Advanced Configuration Options, add a new application property with:
the name must start with prefix “pfxContextualAction_”, for example “pfxContextualAction_DashboardAction”.
with following JSON value
{ "name": "actin_create_simple_action_from_dashboard", "labelTranslations": { "": "Create Action" }, "page": "dashboardPage", "order": 0, "contextLinking": { "targetPage": "newActionPage", "targetPageTarget": "new", "targetPageEntityType": "ActIn_DashboardSimpleAction", "targetPageInputs": { "sourceContext" : { "ContextLinkingButton_DashboardName": "{dashboardName}", "ContextLinkingButton_PortletName": "{portletName}", "ContextLinkingButton_DashboardPortletPreference": "{dashboardPreference}", "ContextLinkingButton_DashboardInputs": "{dashboardInputs}" } }, "targetPageFields":{ "originatorTypedId": "{dashboardTypeddId}", "summary": "{dashboardName}-{portletName}-action", "description": "This action was created from dashboard {dashboardName} with portlet: {portletLabel}" } } }
Replacements will be changed at the moment when the system creates the button on an actual page in front-end.
For details on the context linking parameters, see Context Linking.