Learn additional technical fundamentals of solution implementation and configuration of Pricefx Core application using easy-to-follow, hands-on exercises. The course covers more complex features of modules PriceAnalyzer, PriceBuilder and QuoteConfigurator and also cross-module features like Configurators and Highcharts.
To work on this learning path you need to complete:
PriceFx Certified Configuration Engineering Exam.
Learning Journey
The learning path is split into four main sections:
Labs in this section require a specific training partition to complete. To request your training partition please write a request using this email:
The partition request can take a few days to be processed, once the verification is finished you will receive the credentials by email.
For further training and certification information, check out: Pricefx Training - Introduction to Pricefx - Pricefx Knowledge Base
You can request system access to practice the guidelines studied in the Learning Paths using this link: Coming soon!
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