The following routePage
values are supported when using targetPage
in deep links or in /wiki/spaces/KB/pages/3380904153 parameter.
For backwards compatibility,
accepts most of /wiki/spaces/UDEV/pages/4796874906 as well, but their usage in targetPage
is neither encouraged nor supported.
Area | Functionality | routePage | Groovy Variable | targetPageState |
Actions | Actions Page | actionsPage | AppPages.USER_ACTIONS_PAGE | |
Actions | New Action | newActionPage | AppPages.USER_NEW_ACTION_PAGE | |
Agreements & Promotions module | Agreements & Promotions Page | contractsPage | AppPages.PM_CONTRACTS_PAGE | null or the typedId for a contract |
Agreements & Promotions module | New Agreement & Promotion | newContractPage | AppPages.PM_NEW_CONTRACT | |
Analytics module | Bar & Line Charts | dataAnalyzerPageBarChart | AppPages.PA_CHART_BARLINE_PAGE | null |
Analytics module | Box Plots | dataAnalyzerPageBoxplot | AppPages.PA_CHART_BOXPLOT_PAGE | null |
Analytics module | Bubble Charts | dataAnalyzerPageBubble | AppPages.PA_CHART_BUBBLE_PAGE | null |
Analytics module | Charts | dataAnalyzerPage | AppPages.PA_CHART_PAGE | null |
Analytics module | Data Sources | dataSourcesPage | AppPages.PA_DATASOURCES_PAGE | null or the typedId for a data source |
Analytics module | Data Tables | dataAnalyzerPageDataTable | AppPages.PA_CHART_DATATABLE_PAGE | null |
Analytics module | Detailed Time Series Charts | dataAnalyzerPageTimeSeriesDatetime | AppPages.PA_CHART_DETAILEDTIME_PAGE | null |
Analytics module | Heatmaps | dataAnalyzerPageHeatmap | AppPages.PA_CHART_HEATMAP_PAGE | null |
Analytics module | Histograms | dataAnalyzerPageHistogram | AppPages.PA_CHART_HISTOGRAM_PAGE | null |
Analytics module | Pie Charts | dataAnalyzerPagePie | AppPages.PA_CHART_PIE_PAGE | null |
Analytics module | Rollups | paRollupsPage | AppPages.PA_ROLLUPS_PAGE | null |
Analytics module | Scatter Charts | dataAnalyzerPageScatter | AppPages.PA_CHART_SCATTER_PAGE | null |
Analytics module | Time Series Charts | dataAnalyzerPageTimeSeries | AppPages.PA_CHART_TIMESERIES_PAGE | null |
Analytics module | Time Series Scatter | dataAnalyzerPageTimeSeriesScatter | AppPages.PA_CHART_TIMESCATTER_PAGE | null |
Analytics module | Waterfall Charts | dataAnalyzerPageWaterfall | AppPages.PA_CHART_WATERFALL_PAGE | null |
Analytics module | Waterfall Comparison Charts | dataAnalyzerPageWaterfallComparison | AppPages.PA_CHART_COMPARISONWF_PAGE | null |
Channel Management module | Claim Records | claimRecordsPage | AppPages.CM_RECORDS_PAGE | null |
Channel Management module | Claim Types | claimTypesPage | AppPages.CM_TYPES_PAGE | null |
Channel Management module | Claims | claimsPage | AppPages.CM_MAIN_PAGE | null or the typedId for a claim |
Configuration pages | Configuration Wizards Admin | configWizardsPage | AppPages.CONFIG_WIZARDS_PAGE | null |
Custom Forms | Custom Form Page | customFormsPage | AppPages.CUSTOM_FORMS_PAGE | null or the typedId of the Custom Form Type and Page |
Custom Forms | Custom Form Types | customFormTypesPage | AppPages.CUSTOM_FORMS_TYPE_PAGE | null |
Custom Forms | New Custom Form | newCustomFormPage | AppPages.CUSTOM_FORMS_NEW | |
Dashboards | Dashboard | dashboardPage | AppPages.DB_DASHBOARDS_PAGE | null or the uniqueName of a dashboard |
Master Data | Bill of Material | bomPage | AppPages.MD_BOM_PAGE | null |
Master Data | Customer Extensions | customerExtensionsPage | AppPages.MD_CX_PAGE | null |
Master Data | Customers | customersPage | AppPages.MD_CUSTOMERS_PAGE | null or the typedId for a customer |
Master Data | Data Change Requests | dataChangeRequestPage | AppPages.MD_DCR_PAGE | null or the typedId for a data change request |
Master Data | Lookup Tables | pricingParametersPage | AppPages.MD_PP_PAGE | null or the typedId for a lookup table |
Master Data | Product Competition | competitionPage | AppPages.MD_COMPETITION_PAGE | null |
Master Data | Product Extensions | productExtensionsPage | AppPages.MD_PX_PAGE | null |
Master Data | Products | productsPage | AppPages.MD_PRODUCTS_PAGE | null or the typedId for a product |
Master Data | Seller Extensions | sellerExtensionsPage | AppPages.MD_SELLER_EXTENSIONS_PAGE | null |
Master Data | Seller Extensions | sellerExtensionsPage | AppPages.SELLER_EXTENSIONS_PAGE | |
Master Data | Sellers | sellersPage | AppPages.SELLERS_PAGE | |
Master Data | Sellers | sellersPage | AppPages.MD_SELLERS_PAGE | null |
Master Data | Wizard | configWizardPage | AppPages.MD_WIZARD_PAGE | null or the typedId for a wizard |
Optimization | New Model | newModelPage | AppPages.PO_NEW_MODEL | |
Price Setting module | Live Price Lists | priceGridPage | AppPages.PB_LPG_PAGE | null or the typedId for a live price list |
Price Setting module | Manual Price Lists | manualPriceListPage | AppPages.PB_MPL_PAGE | null |
Price Setting module | Price List Simulations | main_pb_simulationTitle | AppPages.PB_SIMULATION_PAGE | null |
Price Setting module | Price Lists | priceListPage | AppPages.PB_PL_PAGE | null or the typedId for a price list |
Quoting module | New Quote | newQuotePage | AppPages.QC_NEW_QUOTE | |
Quoting module | Quote Types | quoteTypesPage | AppPages.QC_TYPES_PAGE | null |
Quoting module | Quotes | priceShopPage | AppPages.QC_DETAILS_PAGE | null or the typedId for a quote |
Rebates module | New Rebate Agreement | newRebatePage | AppPages.RM_NEW_REBATE_AGREEMENT | |
Rebates module | Rebate Agreement Templates | rebateAgreementsTemplatesPage | AppPages.RM_TEMPLATES_PAGE | null |
Rebates module | Rebate Agreements | rebateAgreementsPage | AppPages.RM_DETAILS_PAGE | null or the typedId for a rebate agreement |
Rebates module | Rebate Main Page | main_rebateAgreementsTitle | AppPages.RM_MAIN_PAGE | null |
Rebates module | Rebate Records | rebateRecordsPage | AppPages.RM_RECORDS_PAGE | null or the typedId for a rebate record |
Sales Compensations module | Compensation Accrual Records Page | compensationAccrualRecordsPage | AppPages.SC_ACCRUAL_RECORDS_PAGE | null |
Sales Compensations module | Compensation Calculations Page | compensationCalculationsPage | AppPages.SC_CALCULATIONS_PAGE | null |
Sales Compensations module | Compensation Condition Types Page | compensationConditionTypesPage | AppPages.SC_CONDITION_TYPES_PAGE | null |
Sales Compensations module | Compensation Plans Page | compensationPlansPage | AppPages.SC_PLANS_PAGE | null or the typedId of the Plan |
Sales Compensations module | Compensation Records Page | compensationRecordsPage | AppPages.SC_COMPENSATION_RECORDS_PAGE | null or the typedId of the Compensation Record |
Sales Compensations module | Compensation Types Page | compensationHeaderTypesPage | AppPages.SC_COMPENSATION_TYPES_PAGE | null |
Sales Compensations module | New Compensation Plan | newCompensationPlanPage | AppPages.SC_NEW_PLAN |