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Contextual Actions enable users to run actions directly from an Analytics chart (PA chart), displayed either standalone in the Data Analyzer menu, or in a dashboard portlet. These actions require access to the data / query associated with the chart. This section explains the Contextual Actions setup.


Create a new application property named “pfxContextualAction_{nameOfYourAction}” with a JSON object with these fields:

  • name* (string) – Name of the button (unique within a partition).

  • labelTranslations (Map) – Text on the action button, provided potentially in several languages. For example { "" : "Create Watcher" }.

  • page* (string) – Page on which the button should be displayed. It is a constant’s value from AppPages. For example dataAnalyzerPage or dashboardPage.

  • order (integer) – If there are multiple buttons on the same page, this can be used to provide specific order. When not specified, ordering is done by labelTranslations.

  • conditionToShow (string) – Condition expression which decides if the button should be shown. Written in JavaScript, expected to return a Boolean value. The properties are in the placeholder {}, and will be replaced in the frontend code during runtime. Examples:

    • ["PAQUERY", "MATRIX"].includes({resultType}) || {result.generatedSavedChart.series.length} > 0
    • {typedId} != null
    • ["DATATABLE"].includes({chartDefinition.chartType}) && {chartDefinition.series.length > 0}
  • contextLinking* (Map) – All basic context linking parameters, such as targetPage, targetPageEntityType, targetPageInputs, targetPageFields, etc. For details see Context Linking Parameters. The variables placeholders will be provided from the frontend.

Placeholders for Page “dashboardPage”

  • conditionToShow – The placeholders provide data from the CalculationResult of the logic element, such as:

    • resultType (string) – Constant’s value from CalculationResultType.

    • result (Map) – The actual object returned from the logic element, represented as Map.

  • contextLinking – Variables will be provided by the frontend. The following variables/placeholders can be used:

    • dashboardName (String) – Unique name of the dashboard as defined in the dashboard configuration.

    • dashboardInputs (Array<Map>) – List of input field names and their values.

    • dashboardTypeddId (String) – ID (with type) of the dashboard. Could be used, for example, in the target page to provide a link back to the original dashboard.

    • dashboardPreference (Map) – User preferences used for displaying the dashboard.

    • portletName (String) – Name of the portlet is given by the name of the logic element which provided its content.

    • portletLabel (String) – Label of the portlet is given by the label of the logic element which provided its content.

Placeholders for Page “dataAnalyzerPage”

  • conditionToShow – Placeholders provide data from the SavedChart (SC) object, such as:

    • typedId (string) – ID of the SavedChart. This value is null until the chart is actually rendered. For example, you can use it to show the action button only once the chart is rendered.

    • chartDefinition

      • chartType

      • series

        • length

  • contextLinking – The variables will be provided by the frontend. The following variables/placeholders can be used:

    • queryBuilderState (Map)

    • chartType (String)

    • chartTypedId (String)

    • chartLabel (String)

  • No labels