NEW: This accelerator is NEW in Clover Club.
The accelerator is planned to be extended in the future with additional templates/use-cases for more industries.
Agreements Accelerator Package Overview
In the Clover Club release, we are introducing a new accelerator that allows you to create or renew agreements with formula pricing to reflect market developments.
Initially focused on formula-based pricing designed for process manufacturers, the accelerator enables you to create and manage a set of formulas for dynamic pricing of commodities and specialties.
Enhancements for Clover Club
You can establish agreements with multi-annual terms and set the frequency of price recalculation. Additionally, you can define calculation rules to adjust prices based on specific situations and push resulting agreement price records for use within your IT landscape (ERP, CRM, etc.).
Choose products involved in the agreement and define granular rules to adjust resulting calculations for specific situations.
With this upgrade you could define reusable formulas in the formula library, which can be used across agreements. You can configure parameters of the defined formulas, such as cost, and these features are available as part of the pre-release.
Screenshots are examples of what can be achieved through additional configuration
UPGRADE VALUE: Agreement creation for specific customer(s) with periodical calculation periods to follow market developments.
The Agreements Accelerator gives you the ability to combine formulas from the formula library with agreement parameters to generate customer agreement prices. Additionally, you can define exception and bounding rules across the product portfolio to create granular and targeted pricing rules used in the calculation.
LEARN MORE: To learn more about Agreements Accelerate Package, click here.
LEARN MORE: To understand how to deploy and configure the Agreements Accelerate, check out the complete documentation here.