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The strategy workspace contains a toolbox with multiple categories. You can drag & drop blocks from these categories into the workspace and plug them into your strategy or other blocks.

Product Attributes

Contains blocks generated from the Product Master table attributes (columns). Each block has its corresponding attribute’s return type stated in the parentheses.


Contains both the variable getters for the defined variables and the out-of-the-box parameters of the Price Setting Accelerator. These always return a number.

The PSP parameters must be configured properly in PSP before they can be used in a strategy. If not configured, the strategy will fail with errors.

You can hide some or all the PSP parameters in the configuration options.

Data Lookups

Contains all of your configured Data Lookups.

There is a section for Advanced Data Lookups (aggregation, range lookups, and value lookups) and Simple Data Lookups.

You need to configure your Data Lookups first in your Data Lookups tab to see anything here.


Contains the following constants:

  • Text block

  • Target Date block which represents the target date of the calculation when the strategy is used in a PL or LPG or the Live Preview panel

  • Current dependency level block represents the current dependency level of the PL or LPG being calculated


Contains blocks for mathematical operations, and all accept numerical inputs.

  • Number block

  • Arithmetic block

  • Rounding block
    (round = half-up, round up, round down)

  • Constrain block – Limits the first value by a minimum (low) and maximum (high), both optional.

  • No price block – Use this block as the final price of the strategy in case you do not want it to return any price. Such a strategy will be skipped by the PSP.


Contains blocks related to logical operations.

  • If-Then-Else block – If the value in the If input is true, then return the value in the Then input, otherwise return the value in the Else input.

  • Evaluate block (aka Switch-case block) allows you to evaluate a value plugged into the first input and then specify multiple If conditions to match the value being evaluated. The return value of this block is the return value of the first matched If block.

  • Logical and/or block used to group multiple conditions together.

  • Comparison block used to compare two values.

  • Is (not) empty block returns true if the given input is (not) empty (null or empty text).

  • Boolean block returns either true or false.


Contains miscellaneous functions and custom Groovy functions.

Price List/Grid functions

  • Get price from live price grid returns a price for the given Product ID from the specified Live Price Grid or zero if the price is not there.

  • Get price from approved price list returns a price for the given Product ID from the specified approved Price List. Only approved price lists are available.

  • Get price from the current list returns a price for the given Product ID from the Price List/Grid currently being calculated. This triggers a second-pass calculation. Usually used to calculate a price of an anchor product in attribute-based pricing.

  • Calculate kit price returns a kit price based on the current product’s BoM list. All of the kit parts must be in the same Price List/Grid which is being calculated. It triggers a second-pass calculation.

Custom functions

These blocks are generated from a custom Groovy library containing block definitions and code. They appear only if they are configured.

Here is the documentation on how to configure your custom functions.

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