Represents one item of the claim (one row from the XLS file) with validation and further calculations.
claimId - link to Claim (CL) (i.e. the parent)
sku - id of the product claimed by the distributor
endCustomerId - ID of the end customer, to who the distributor sells the product
alerts - aggregated list of all alerts and warnings issued by the validation logic during calculation of single item. On the screen it’s presented as a graphical icon symbol, which, when clicked, shows list of the alerts and warnings
validationState - if the claim item is validated or rejected
NOT_VALIDATED* - status calculated by the validation logic to mark a line, which must be manually validated/rejected by the user. This is a default state value, if the Claim Type does not define any validationStateElementName.
AUTO_VALIDATED - status calculated by the validation logic to mark a line, which is valid. But the user can still reject manually
AUTO_REJECTED - status calculated by the validation logic to mark a line, which is rejected. But the user can still validate manually
VALIDATED - item is manually validated by the user
REJECTED - item is manually rejected by the user
contractUniqueName - unique name of the contract against which we validate the claim
quoteUniqueName - unique name of the quote against which we validate the claim
quantity - claimed quantity of the product
totalAmount - money claimed by the distributor on this item
inputRow - data row used as a source for this claim line item
attribute1..100 - used as a destination for data from the XLS data or the results from the validation logic