Entity Quote (Q) represents the header information of the quote document, e.g. who’s the customer, when the document is valid and optional summary results about the whole quote.
Note: Entity Quote does not contain line items. Those are stored in a Quote Line Item (QLI) entity.
unique name of the Quote Type used to create the quote document
autogenerated unique name of the quote document. In the form of "P-####"
description of the quote provided by the user
unique name of the customer, which was selected by the user in input field of type InputType.CUSTOMER on the header. This copy of information from the input field to this field is done automatically. In case the quote has input field of type InputType.CUSTOMERGROUP and it contains a filter for single customer, such customer unique name will be copied to this field.
name/description of the customer, which was selected by the user in input field of type InputType.CUSTOMER on the header. This copy of information from the input field to this field is done automatically. In case the quote has input field of type InputType.CUSTOMERGROUP and it contains a filter for single customer, such customer name/description will be copied to this field.
copy of CustomerGroup, which was selected by the user in input field of type InputType.CUSTOMERGROUP on the header. This copy of information from the input field to this field is done automatically.
effective date of the quote, and also the date used for calculation.
last date of validity of the negotiated conditions.
list of input field definitions and values entered by the user.
results of calculation performed by the quote header logic and stored on the "ROOT" virtual folder
arbitrary number of customizable attributeExtension fields, which can be used to store any information you need. The fields with String type do not have limited size.
The status of the quote document. All valid values are listed in the document status article.
integer - order of the current active creation step. First step has number 0.
integer - total number of all creation steps
String - the label of the current creation workflow step
see WorkflowStatus
Contains some (limited) information about the state of the front-end application. See View State.