Versions Compared


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  • [PFPCS-1032] - Code Improvement from Sonar

  • [PFPCS-1067] - Show customer Id, customer name under the title of embedded dashboard

  • [PFPCS-1194] - Double bar graph in embedded charts

  • [PFPCS-1432] - Rename label "FieldName" to "Dimension Filter"

  • [PFPCS-1451] - Consistent Start and End Date for processing

  • [PFPCS-1490] - Consistent name for portlet header and chart

  • [PFPCS-1509] - Change configuration.RevenueFieldName to configuration.InvoicePriceFieldName

  • [PFPCS-1518] - Display percentage for trend value L12M

  • [PFPCS-1526] - Move calculation for potential to Simulation logic

  • [PFPCS-1527] - Update logic to get Potential for Global View dashboard

  • [PFPCS-1558] - Refactor element "GetTopCustomers" of Customer Global view

  • [PFPCS-1565] - Fix some sonar bugs in customer detail view dashboard

  • [PFPCS-1578] - Move some common inputs to libs

  • [PFPCS-1627] - Fix some sonar bugs

  • [PFPCS-1633] - Adding Unknown field to Cross Selling Opportunity table (Portfolio)

  • [PFPCS-1683] - Classes into Data Filter (Category)

  • [PFPCS-1726] - Product attributes input should get dimension attributes

  • [PFPCS-1727] - Rename "Buying Frequency" to "Number of transactions" in all dashboard

  • [PFPCS-1731] - Should set sortBy and list of attributes in function

  • [PFPCS-1805] - Formatting label

  • [PFPCS-1811] - Update waterfall chart structure from AP setting

  • [PFPCS-1842] - Tooltips improvement - Revenue and margin trends & projections chart

  • [PFPCS-1847] - Change solution from memoryDB to non-memoryDB

  • [PFPCS-1907] - Correct value on Opportunity table of Portfolio dashboard

  • [PFPCS-1916] - Just show max 100% in axis of chart

  • [PFPCS-1917] - In Dimension filter, if change value of "Category" field, old value of "Value" field should be reset to null/empty

  • [PFPCS-1979] - Hiding 0 value in table Potential by Product Attribute

  • [PFPCS-1992] - Change arrow to fix problem on Unity Pricefx and visible dashboard input items in portlet selection

  • [PFPCS-2019] - Remove items as: ROWID and Scenario in Dimension Filter - Category

  • [PFPCS-2020] - Show "no data" in case no customer is selected

  • [PFPCS-2021] - Customer Detail View - Customer Revenue and Margin Trend & Projection - Change labels

  • [PFPCS-2022] - Global View - Pricing Opportunity: Change color for top/worst group

  • [PFPCS-2023] - Customer Detail View - Number Of Transaction Trend & Projection - Change labels

  • [PFPCS-2025] - Set display mode is 'Never' for some elements in Simulation logic

  • [PFPCS-2042] - Regression line should be a line in chart

  • [PFPCS-2057] - Improve performance of simulation logic

  • [PFPCS-2058] - Improve performance of customer product portfolio dashboard

  • [PFPCS-2076] - Improve performance of some elements in simulation logic

  • [PFPCS-2221] - Add Customer Segment to Simulation

  • [PFPCS-2237] - Customer Global View: Merge other metric process to SQL (in the same with X-sell/Up-sell/RevenueBelowTarget

  • [PFPCS-2264] - Support multitype source to get customer segment

  • [PFPCS-2282] - [Customer Product Portfolio] Update list value of Product attribute in Potential By Product Attribute table match with Opportunity table

  • [PFPCS-2286] - [Customer Global View] Remove Sorted element

  • [PFPCS-2288] - Update UI_Revenue and Margin Contribution chart

  • [PFPCS-2305] - [Customer Product Portfolio] Should use api.local to pass return value in element "GetDataForPotentialPerProductAttribute"

  • [PFPCS-2318] - [Customer Product Portfolio] Update logic of element GetTopAverageInvoicePriceByCustomerClassData to improve performance

  • [PFPCS-2456] - [Simulation] refactor simulation logic

  • [PFPCS-2500] - Change format number in charts and tables

  • [PFPCS-2501] - Update label and default value of DataFilter

  • [PFPCS-2502] - [Customer Global View] Pricing Opportunity and Opportunity table - Just show the WORST customers

  • [PFPCS-2503] - [Customer Detail View] View some value on click-through portlet

  • [PFPCS-2508] - [Customer Detail View] Update regression value in charts

  • [PFPCS-2512] - [Customer Detail View] - Customer Summary portlet- Adding more info

  • [PFPCS-2513] - [Portfolio] – Revenue Below Target by Product Group chart – change name to Pricing Opportunity by Product Group.

  • [PFPCS-2514] - [Global View and Portfolio] – the Health tables: all the Last 12 M and YTD trends will be in removed from Health table and moved to a new table Trends.

  • [PFPCS-2515] - [Simulation] Customer Segment- adding separator in between the particular items

  • [PFPCS-2519] - [Portfolio] – rename "Revenue Below Target" to "Pricing Opportunity"

  • [PFPCS-2528] - [Customer Detail View] - Customer Summary portlet- Adding more info

  • [PFPCS-2529] - Opportunity tables in Global and Portfolio – Please rename to Selling Opportunity


  • [PFPCS-796] - Customer Insight Summary: % Margin is not calculated exactly

  • [PFPCS-806] - Error (@13) cannot get property "ProductMapCurrentime" on null object when Time Dimension = MTD or QTD

  • [PFPCS-808] - Error (@74) occurs when choosing a single Customer ID

  • [PFPCS-829] - Incorrect cross-sell calculation

  • [PFPCS-834] - Customer ID does not display with revenue = 0

  • [PFPCS-835] - Export data in Unity Pricefx UI does not keep filtering for country

  • [PFPCS-865] - Buying frequency is incorrect

  • [PFPCS-888] - Margin trend last 12M is incorrect

  • [PFPCS-889] - Revenue trend last 12M is incorrect

  • [PFPCS-901] - Missing trend arrow

  • [PFPCS-902] - Error on clicking Customer ID has no data

  • [PFPCS-1065] - Error (@76) for PricingOpportunityAnalyst

  • [PFPCS-1066] - Error(@0) for CustomerHealthScoreAnalyst

  • [PFPCS-1112] - Incorrect Product Group in Cross Selling Opportunity

  • [PFPCS-1114] - Revenue and Margin % chart show wrong value and month format

  • [PFPCS-1147] - Incorrect Price Opportunity

  • [PFPCS-1153] - Customer Health Score does not show with an input Customer ID

  • [PFPCS-1170] - Excel format is incorrect at fields have trending arrow

  • [PFPCS-1181] - Error (@0) when opening the dashboard

  • [PFPCS-1188] - Misspelled name in Waterfall chart

  • [PFPCS-1423] - Cross Sell Opportunity is not calculated (Global View)

  • [PFPCS-1440] - Counting for Customer classification (per Revenue) is incorrect

  • [PFPCS-1484] - Edit chart label (Global View)

  • [PFPCS-1485] - Error (@63) occurs when no data exists in Detail View

  • [PFPCS-1488] - Customer (s) filter does not work (Global View)

  • [PFPCS-1519] - Inconsistent name chart in Detail view

  • [PFPCS-1547] - Trend charts display incorrect (Detail View)

  • [PFPCS-1549] - Category filter runs incorrect (Detail View)

  • [PFPCS-1570] - Incorrect calculation in Revenue Breakdown chart

  • [PFPCS-1589] - Error (@621) Ambiguous method overloading (Detail View)

  • [PFPCS-1594] - Local Adjustment does not show detail in waterfall chart

  • [PFPCS-1607] - Error when removing default or leaving blank in Time Filter

  • [PFPCS-1622] - Some fields in Cross Sell Opportunity table are incorrect (Product Portfolio)

  • [PFPCS-1678] - Check Zero when calculation AvgPrice in function Classification.calculateAvgPrice

  • [PFPCS-1725] - Should check null in some functions of CustomerInsights libs

  • [PFPCS-1744] - Ranking is incorrect by KPI = Health Score (Global view)

  • [PFPCS-1818] - Filter MTD and QTD do not work in Product Portfolio DB

  • [PFPCS-1946] - [Product Portfolio]_ Product Trend YTD is incorrect when no customer selected

  • [PFPCS-1998] - Global View_Customer input should not affect to calculation

  • [PFPCS-2002] - Average Revenue segment should be calculated on Customer Revenue

  • [PFPCS-2009] - % Product Buying_ total of traded products should be changed by Category filter

  • [PFPCS-2247] - Customer Product Portfolio dashboard - chart "Revenue And Margin Contribution" show null in drilldown

  • [PFPCS-2271] - Portfolio_Cross Sell only shows for products bought (not bought is not shown)

  • [PFPCS-2287] - [Customer Product Portfolio] There is an error as attached picture

  • [PFPCS-2439] - Health score should get decimal or rounding

  • [PFPCS-2458] - [Portfolio] doesn't show "Revenue Below Target By Product Type" chart for some case

  • [PFPCS-2461] - [Customer Global View] Pricing Opportunity table, if the Revenue below Target = 0 then % Revenue below Target should be 0%.

  • [PFPCS-2467] - [Portfolio] Update formulas for Average Invoice Price = Average Unit Invoice Price for the particular Product ID and particular Customer Segment

  • [PFPCS-2489] - [Global View]_ % Product Buying is incorrect

  • [PFPCS-2492] - [Portfolio]_Top/Worst Products in chart should be ranked like Top/Worst Customers in Global View

  • [PFPCS-2521] - [Detail View] _Remove "per Day" in chart for Transactions trend last 12M

  • [PFPCS-2530] - Trend arrow displays incorrectly

  • [PFPCS-2565] - [Detail View]_Error (@282) when no data to display