Abbreviations: AP – all people, TU – technical users, BU – business users, PfM – PlatformManager, ACC – Accelerators (configuration engineers), IE – integration engineer, IM – IntegrationManager
Term | Definition | Target user/ application |
Accelerator Packages | Configuration packages available in PlatformManager Marketplace. They allow you to implement solutions to a wide variety of use cases. | ACC |
Access admin | An area where user management takes place. | PfM |
Activity Logs | Shows changes related to accounts, integrations and partitions as well as user accounts creation/deletion, permissions changes, group assignments. | PfM |
Actual Price Lookup | Lookup for the current product price which is fetched based on the configuration. | ACC |
Adjusted Price Corridor | Deviation between the global adjusted price and the final list price | ACC |
Agent | An autonomous program that indefinitely loops its lifecycle of perception-decision-action. “Autonomous” means the agent decides itself what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. It is used in AI optimization. | AP |
Allocation – Dataload Logic | It is a Price Analyzer Dataload Logic, used for the Rebate Allocation process (allocating rebates back to original transactions for accurate net margin and net pricing reporting and insights). | BU/TU |
Allow Manual Price Override | Defines whether the ManualPrice and ManualPriceReason elements should be visible. | TU |
AMAS | Adaptive Multi-Agent System, based on the concept of "agents". Its global function is to converge towards a state where user-defined criteria are satisfied. | AP |
Analytics | One of the Pricefx capabilities (modules) where users can visualize pricing data. | BU/ TU |
Apache Camel | A “mediation router”: a message-oriented middleware framework implementing the enterprise integration patterns. It makes use of these patterns along with supporting all common transport protocols and having a vast set of useful adapters included. | AP |
Apache Kafka | A distributed publish-subscribe messaging system that receives data from disparate source systems and makes the data available to target systems in real-time. It facilitates the asynchronous data exchange between processes, applications, and servers. | AP |
Application integration | The sharing of processes and/or data with different application systems within an organization using real-time communication. It is typically implemented to increase application efficiency and improve scalability between systems. | ?? |
Pricefx Application Programming Interface (API) | It is a part of our software allowing other programmers to connect to it. | AP |
Approval workflow | A process of approval when the document (quote, rebate agreement, etc.) does not fit into the defined thresholds (e.g., minimum margin). Approval workflow is programmed in the logic. | TU |
Approved (status) | A document can have either the Approved status or No Approval Required. In both cases the status of the document is approved. |
Assets | Identifies and defines Pricefx partitions and IntegrationManager instances and can be used to associate with specific users or business roles. | PfM |
Base currency | Default currency that will be used in a Datamart. | TU |
Base unit of measure | Default unit of measure which will be used in a Datamart. | TU |
Business Intelligence | The purpose of Business Intelligence is to make educated business decisions based on data. Its components are collecting, integrating, analyzing, and presenting business information. | AP |
Business Roles (BR) | A tool to combine user roles and user groups for a certain level of access to the software. It assigns a name to a set of specific permissions and accesses and is used as a template for permission assignment to one or more users. | BU/TU |
Calculation Base | The calculation base encapsulates the product and customer (group) filters, and any other relevant filters added in the Rebate Type calculation logic (for later use in the Rebate Allocation logic). It describes which transactions are used for the rebate (accrual) calculation, and hence which transactions should that accrual be allocated back to. | TU |
Calculation logic | A program in Groovy language that is part of configuration. Using Pricefx Groovy API, you can retrieve data, build input fields, calculate prices, create workflow steps and much more. | TU |
Camel component | Acts as an endpoint factory. To put it simply, components offer an interface to different technologies using the same approach and syntax. Camel already supports a lot of components in its DSLs for almost every possible technology, and it also gives the ability for writing custom components | TU |
Change Data Capture (CDC) | Captures changes made to a production Data Source, typically performed by reading the audit or log files. | PfM |
Charts | Standard pricing charts available by default in Analytics within Data Analyzer. | BU/TU |
Claim records | The table containing the approved claims' records to be processed and paid out. | TU |
Claims Types | A page where the pre-programmed types of claims calculation are displayed. The types are used to create claims with pre-defined parameters. | TU |
Cloud data management | A method to manage data across cloud platforms, either with or instead of on-premises storage. | AP |
Cloud migration | Movement of data, processes, and applications from on-premises storage or legacy infrastructure to cloud-based infrastructure for storage, application processing, data archiving, and ongoing data lifecycle management. | AP |
Competition Data | A master data table that stores competitor pricing. The type code of this table is PCOMP. | TU |
Computation | An agent which takes variables as input to compute a value that it assigns to the output variable. This term comes from the Optimization area. | TU |
Configuration of Pricefx Core | Setup of the product, so it behaves in certain way. It includes tables setup, various properties, logics (configuration code), document types (e.g. quote type, rebate type, promotion conditions) etc. | TU |
Configuration wizard | It is a feature to create a simplified, sequential control for guiding users through a complex task, for instance, the configuration of an accelerator. | TU |
Configuration package | A set of folders and files which represent the configuration of the partition. The package is deployed to the partition either through Pricefx Studio or PlatformManager. | TU |
Connection | Utilizes the partition access credentials to create a link between PlatformManager and Pricefx partition. | PfM |
Connector | Refers to specific software used to create a data connection and is used as a synonym for middleware. | TU |
Constraints Parameters | Constraints are threshold and target criteria. Their parameters are namely: Acceptable delta – Acceptable margin of error. Precision – Expected precision of the target. | Optimizer |
Contract header | An overview of the complete contract. See Agreements and Promotions header. | BU/TU |
Contract line item | A contract item that defines a particular type of discount, agreement, campaign. One contract can have multiple line items. | TU |
Condition types | Pre-configured types of calculations used in Agreements and Promotions, Rebates, Sales compensation to add new items of specific condition types. | TU |
Contracts | Former name for Agreements and Promotions. | BU |
Converters | Are used by by mappers (LoadMapper, IntegratMapper and MultilevelMapper) to convert data types. | TU/IE |
Coordinates | Associate dimensions (e.g. product, client) to categories (e.g. product X, client Z) to situate variables in the problem's space. This is one of the concepts of the meta-model. | Optimization |
Core Customers | Core: Customers having cumulative revenue contribution in the last 12 months <= 80%. Long tailed: The remaining Customers/Products having cumulative revenue contribution in the last 12 months > 80%. | ACC |
Core Products | Core: Products having cumulative revenue contribution in the last 12 months <= 80%. Long tailed: The remaining Customers/Products having cumulative revenue contribution in the last 12 months > 80%. For Products this is calculated per Customer Segment (as per the Segment definition). | ACC |
Country Adjustment | Percentage by which global prices will be adjusted to obtain local prices. | BU |
Criterion | It is an agent which expresses a criticality level by reflecting their satisfaction and their importance, e.g. targets, thresholds, or mini/maximization objectives. Criteria are applied to a variable. This term is one of the concepts of the meta-model. | Optimization |
Customer (table) | A table that includes customers data with a variety of attributes. Mostly used in B2B. | AP |
Customer (or product) Classification (as used in Pricefx) | Assigns customers (or products) into different classes, typically used for pricing. | AP |
Customer extensions | A type of data table containing additional customer information, such as sold-to, hierarchy, etc. | AP |
Customer Health Score / Product Health Score | A customer health score is a metric used largely by customer success teams to determine whether customers are healthy or at-risk. Deciding on a scoring system is a subjective process, and will vary from company to company. | AP |
Customer Margin | Total Margin of a customer based on a historical period. | ACC |
Customer Quantity | Total Quantity of a customer based on a historical period. | ACC |
Customer Revenue | Total Invoice Price of a customer based on a historical period. | ACC |
Customer Segment | It groups customers by common characteristics, e.g. customer size, region, country etc. According to values aggregated on the Customer Segment level, certain KPIs for particular customers are calculated, e.g. cross sell. | AP |
Dashboards | Graphical user interface that provides at-a-glance views of KPI in a visual manner: charts, graphs etc. | AP |
Data Blending | A data management technique that provides a fast, easy, and flexible method to extract value from multiple data sources and to find patterns without the deployment of a traditional data warehouse architecture. | TU |
Data Cleansing | The transformation of data from its native or raw state to a pre-defined or standardized format or structure using customized software. | TU |
Data federation | Process where data is collected from distinct databases without ever copying or transforming the original data. | TU |
Data governance | The application of rules and standards for the management of the availability, usability, integrity, and security of the data stored within an enterprise. | TU |
Data integration | The combination of business and technical processes that are used to merge data from multiple disparate sources into standard architectures for the purpose of gaining meaningful insights. | TU |
Data lake | A storage repository that can hold large quantities of raw data in its native form, including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. In this format, the data does not need to be structured until it is needed. | TU |
Data lineage | Referred to as the data life-cycle, which includes the origins of the data and where it moves over time. It describes what happens to data as it goes through diverse processes. | TU |
Data mapping | The process of creating data element mappings between two different data models. It is commonly used as a first step for a wide array of data integration tasks, including data transformation between a data source and a destination. The process where an uploaded CSV file’s columns are linked to the Pricefx mandatory fields either for a specific Pricefx entity during Data Uploads or for linking to columns in a Datamart for the loading of an Accelerator. | TU/IE |
Datamart | A data repository that contains data arranged in specific patterns (star schema, snowflake schema, etc.) to support informational applications. | AP |
Data migration | The process of moving data between two or more storage systems, data formats, warehouses or servers. | TU |
Data mining | Extracting previously unknown information from databases and using that data for important business decisions, in many cases helping to create new insights. | TU |
Data modeling | A method used to define and analyze the data requirements needed to support an entity’s business processes, defining the relationship between data elements and structures. | TU |
Data ownership | Answers the question: ‘who owns the data?’ It is also the philosophical and legal concept of an entity owning the right to control access to a particular set or group of data. | TU |
Data quality | Refers to the overall level of “quality” or perceived value of the data. If a particular datastore is seen as holding highly relevant data for a project, that data is seen as a quality to the users when their is a high degree of trust in the data values. | TU |
Data silos |
A separate database or set of data files that are not part of an organization's enterprise-wide data administration. | TU |
Data |
Source (table) |
A type of data table that includes cleansed and structured data used to build |
Datamarts. | TU |
Data steward |
Another term used in conjunction with Data Ownership. It implies who owns and is responsible for the data. It is also the philosophical and legal concept of an entity owning the right to control access to a particular set or group of data. | TU |
Data upload |
Uses uploaded CSV files to load Pricefx entity types in a partition. Supported entities include Customer, Customer Extension, Product, Product Extension, Data Source, Price Parameter, Product Competition and BoM data. | TU |
Data virtualization |
A Data Integration approach that allows applications to retrieve and manipulate data without requiring technical details about the data. Virtualization is seen as an alternative to the traditional ETL process. | TU |
Data warehouse |
This is conceived as a central location of integrated data from other more disparate sources, storing both current (real-time) and historical data which can then be used to create trends reports. They are generally used for analytics in an information system. It is a central repository |
to store information. It usually contains historical data derived from transaction data, but it can include data from other sources. | TU |
Dimensions |
They are what defines levers and criteria. For instance, if your levers are product prices and your criteria are margin targets per product family and customer, then your dimensions are product, product family, and customer. In Datamart / Data |
Sources, it marks an indexed column that you can use for grouping of the data rows. | TU |
Discount |
Percentage discount applied when calculating the transition from a gross to net price. | AP |
Dissatisfaction (criterion) |
How much a criterion is dissatisfied, high = |
not optimal. | Optimization |
Elite |
The smallest group of the most influential Value Finders whose cumulated influence is greater than half of the total influence received by the Criterion Agent. | Optimization |
Endpoint |
This is a channel through which the system can receive or send a message. It can refer to a web service URI, queue URI, file, email address, etc. | IE |
Enterprise Integration pattern |
A software pattern that is used for designing data flows between different pieces of enterprise software. | IE |
Entity |
Object in a data model, for instance, Price List, Live Price Grid, Quote or Rebate Agreement. Also known as data entity. | TU |
Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) |
In computing, it refers to a process used in databases, and especially data warehousing, that blends data from multiple sources. | TU | |
Events | Pricefx generates various events (e.g. Price List calculation finished) which, for instance, can trigger an action by IntegrationManager. | TU |
Excel Client |
A tool (provided as an Excel sheet with macros) that allows to modify and upload the data to a particular partition. | TU |
Exceptions Manager |
Interface used for managing exceptions / manual overrides and making them allowed. Exceptions/Allowance logic is implemented here. | ACC |
Exchange |
The container of a message |
. It is created when a message is received by a consumer during the routing process. The exchange allows different types of interaction between systems – it can define a one-way message or a request-response message. | IE |
Feeder logic |
A Calculation Logic used in a Calculation Data Load to provide a list of records which will be applied to transactions. |
It is usually used to provide list of Rebate Records, used by the Rebate Allocation Process. | TU |
Graph Patterns |
Simple computation graph patterns to test the system and identify some Non-Cooperative Situations. They include SISO – Single input single output, SIMO – Single input multiple outputs, MISO – Multiple input single output, MIMO – Multiple input multiple outputs, Asynchronous feedback, Phase shift, Phase interference, Cycle. | Optimization | |
Groovy Sandbox | You can run your Groovy code in both Pricefx Core and IntegrationManager. These are potentially untrusted Groovy scripts that could contain malicious code, so they are evaluated inside a sandbox to prevent malicious code. If the sandbox detects a forbidden code, it throws an exception. | TU |
Home |
A starting page of the Pricefx application that displays all software functional areas. It can be customized according to user preferences. | AP |
Hybrid cloud |
An application environment model that combines an on-premises data center (also called a private cloud) with a public cloud, allowing data and applications to be shared between them. | TU |
Impact (criterion → value finder) |
It defines how much the criterion pressures the value finder, relative to other neighboring criteria. | Optimization |
Inbound |
Refers to data that |
migrates from customer application systems to Pricefx partitions. | TU |
Induced Movement (criterion → value finder) |
How much the value finder has moved because of the criterion. | Optimization |
Influence (value finder → criterion ) |
Estimation of how much the criterion’s dissatisfaction has moved because of the value finder’s actions. | Optimization |
Influence proportion (value finder → criterion) |
Weight of the value finder’s influence on the criterion, relative to the other influencing value finders. | Optimization |
IntegrateMapper |
Performs insert and update operations on selected backend objects. This operation is not available for all types of objects. This command is particularly useful in a situation where the caller does not (and should not) know about typed IDs and other “internal” data fields, i.e. typically in an integration scenario. | TU |
Integration Platform as a service |
A suite of cloud services enabling the execution and governance of Data Integration flows connecting to on-premise and cloud-based processes. | AP |
Integration Templates |
These are predefined and prebuilt components that contain pieces of code/settings which allow you to quickly set up IntegrationManager to do specific actions with 3rd party systems. | TU |
IntegrationManager |
A Pricefx tool that allows uploading data from the external systems, such as SAP, into Pricefx and exporting data from Pricefx, so that they can be further used in the external systems. This two-way exchange uses a format which best suits a given scenario (CSV file, XML file, JMS message or calling a web service). | TU | |
JSON Web Token | JSON Web Tokens are an open and standard way to represent your user’s identity securely during a two-party interaction. When two systems exchange data you can use a JSON Web Token to identify your user without having to send private credentials on every request. | TU |
Lightning |
Powered by Accelerators it delivers a full suite of standard pricing analytics, management and CPQ realization tools designed to jumpstart pricing application implementation. | TU |
Live Price Grids (LPG) |
A type of price list with products calculated by calculation logic recalculated several times per day depending on new data (e.g., competition) updates. |
LPG items can be approved individually. | AP |
LoadMapper |
Provides an efficient and quick way to load bulk data. The main benefit is its enormous speed to load thousands of rows (compared to e.g. integrate). The main drawback is that it will always work on entire rows. | IE |
Lost Business |
Total invoice price of products traded in a time period but not traded in another one (usually the following) |
. | AP |
Mandatory Fields |
These are the required fields that are used as the |
output of the Data Mapping process and refer to fields that must be populated for Data Uploads and loading of Accelerators. | ACC |
Manual Overrride |
Empty field in Price |
List and LPG acting as an input field for the user. |
You can fill it with an override result price if necessary. | AP |
Mappers |
Mappers are used for conversion of the message body to the Pricefx format. The message body is usually a list of maps or a map. We have the following types of mappers: LoadMapper, IntegrateMapper and MultilevelMapper. | IE |
Marketplace |
Feature/screen in PlatformManager that provides a list of available |
Accelerators and |
Integration Templates that you can deploy to partition and IntegrationManager. | TU/ACC |
Multi |
Agent System (MAS) |
It performs multi-dimensional multi-criteria optimization. | Optimization |
Mass update |
A function that allows updating |
a similar value, for example, cost, in many or all existing quotes. A feature that is useful during quotes revisions and common |
Company Parameters updates. It is also available in Agreements and Promotions. | BU |
Master Data |
A term used to define key data tables essential for software functionality. Also a section in Pricefx Core containing product and related information. | AP |
Master data management |
An industry-standard term that incorporates processes, policies, standards, tools, and governance to define and manage all of an enterprise’s most critical information in order to articulate a single point of reference. | AP |
Message |
Contains data which is being transferred to a route. Each message has a unique identifier and it |
is constructed out of a body, headers, and attachments. They are the objects used by agents to communicate with each other. Their types are: Notify Value, Notify Criticality, Notify Elite, Subscribe to Value, Set Value, Notify No Longer Critical. | IE |
Models |
One of the Pricefx functional areas where users can create, run and maintain optimization models. | TU |
Models classes |
An area where the pre-programmed types of optimization approach are displayed. The types are used to create an optimization model based on the defined data and optimization target. | TU |
MultilevelMapper |
This is used to remap values from multiple levels of multiple sources into one output body. It can combine calculated values with values extracted from the body and headers, including lists at several levels. Output mapping must always be unambiguous. | IE |
Non-Cooperative Situations |
The AMAS approach states that agents must be cooperative: they should seek to help each other, adopt a useful behavior, and communicate useful information in a non-ambiguous form. This is the way to ensure that local behaviors lead to an adequate global function. Some situations may prevent agents to cooperate. They are called Non-Cooperative Situations (NCSs) and are of different types depending on what is going wrong at what part of the lifecycle (e.g. conflict, uselessness, ambiguity, etc.). An agent should be able to either detect and solve NCSs or anticipate and avoid them. |
There are the following types of NCSs: Computation Agent Conflict (Phase Shift), Value Finder Conflict (El Farol Bar Problem), Value Finder Unproductiveness (No Neighbor), Value Finder Incompetence (Asynchronous Feedback), Criterion Agent Conflict (Gradient Loss). | Optimization | |
OAuth2.0 | OAuth2 is a protocol enabling a Client application, often a web application, to act on behalf of a User, but with the User’s permission. The actions a Client is allowed to perform are carried out by a Resource Server (another web application or web service), and the User approves the actions by telling an Authorization Server that he trusts the Client to do what it is asking. | TU |
Object |
A single item from an |
entity. It often has subordinate line items and specific types. | TU | |
Object Types | PlatformManager supports a set of the standard Pricefx entity types; customer, customerExtension, product, productExtension, pricingParameter, datamart, rebateRecords, payoutRecords | PfM |
Optimization Engine |
A feature where users can define and run AI-modeled optimization. | Optimization |
Outbound |
Refers to data that |
migrates from Pricefx partitions to customer application systems. | TU |
OverrideRemover |
Used for clearing manual/table overrides/exceptions when the default strategy does not allow it. | ACC |
Parsing Options |
A set of options that allow the data conversion process to interpret |
an uploaded CSV file and determine the following characteristics; separator, quote character used, escape character, decimal separator and the data format. | IM/PfM |
Partition |
The equivalent of what is also often referred to as a „tenant“ in more general terms. It is a logical separation of data and configuration. Customers sign up for partitions, and they are also a commercial driver/factor unless the license is an enterprise license with unlimited partitions. Every customer has at least one partition. |
It is the smallest commercial unit we sell |
. | AP |
Payout Record | A table that contains the records of the approved rebates to be paid out to the rebate receiver. A data-entity used during periodic recalculation of the Rebate estimations on the Rebate Records. The |
Payout Record can be used to |
store more fine-grained results, on lower level than Rebate Record, and to export data to external systems. | BU/TU |
Permissions |
Identifies the low-level and granular tasks that can be performed within |
Pricefx. Defines ability to read, use, deploy or update specific aspects or functions within the product. |
AP |
PfxClient |
A prebuilt module that will allow all other components to connect to Pricefx server. | AP |
Price Setting types |
An area in Price Setting where the available types of Price |
Lists (PL) and Live Price Grids (LPG) are stored. Price Setting Types for Price Lists and Live Price Grids are templates with preselected header, pricing and matrix logics and a view preference. Using a Price Setting Type helps you save time by eliminating the need to fill in every field when creating a Price List or LPG. | BU/TU |
PlatformManager |
A tool for managing simple data uploads, choosing and deploying |
Integration Templates, and scheduling product updates. |
It also allows you to create, administer and maintain certain assets, like Pricefx partitions and IntegrationManager instances. You can connect to them, monitor their activity, upload master data, set up user access and deploy templates and deploy Accelerators. | PfM / TU |
PO. |
AI |
It is the previous name of the Optimization module. PO for Price Optimizer, AI for Artificial Intelligence. | Optimization |
Policy Records |
A table with the optimization records that have been approved to be used in other functional areas, e.g., quotes, price setting, analytics, rebates. Policy records were used with Pricing Guidance, which is now replaced by newer Model Classes. | Optimization |
Price Lists |
An area in Price Setting that allows the creation of multiple tables with products and calculated prices based on calculation logic. | BU/TU |
Price |
Parameters / Company Parameters |
Tables that include different pricing data that affect price calculation in logic, workflows setup, etc. | BU/TU |
Price Records |
A table that includes |
records for all items of quotes converted into deal (or of approved Promotion |
Agreements). One row in the record table refers to a line item of a quote (or a Promotion |
Agreement). This is typically used to export quotes to other systems. | BU |
Price Selector |
Combo box with calculated prices and their strategies. Users can override a default strategy here. | ACC |
Price Setting |
One of the Pricefx functional areas where users can execute |
Price List management activities. | BU |
Prices Summary |
Generates data for a popup and price selector. It also collects prices from the global price list and applies a country adjustment to it. | ACC |
Problem Description File |
JSON file built from a Groovy map, describing the optimization problem, sent to the Optimization Engine. | Optimization |
Problem Modeling |
Process of understanding the customer’s domain and requirements, and turning them into a problem description file that is fed to the Multi-Agent Optimization Engine. | Optimization |
Processor |
A reusable block of code that can be used in conjunction with a route. They can be used to enrich or change the message body ( |
i.e. add more data for each record in the body). This is a simple Java interface that is used to add custom integration logic to a route. It contains a single process method that will be used to perform custom business logic on a message received by a consumer. | IM |
Product Extensions |
A type of data table containing additional product information, such as costs, competition data, etc. | BU/TU |
Product Master |
A table that includes product data and their various attributes. | BU/TU |
Prometheus |
Monitoring tool for monitoring data storage |
. It encodes dimensions explicitly as key-value pairs attached to metric names. This allows filtering and grouping via query language. | TU |
Quote header |
An overview of the complete quote calculation. One quote can have only one header. | BU/TU |
Quote line item |
A product item added to the quote with a defined quantity. One quote can have multiple line items. | BU/TU |
Quote Types |
An area in Quotes where the pre-programmed types of quote calculation are displayed. The types are used to create quotes with pre-defined parameters. | BU/TU |
Quotes |
One of the Pricefx functional areas where users can execute |
CPQ activities. | BU/TU |
Realtime |
Used in conjunction with a route |
: the route listens to events / input data and processes this input immediately. There is no delay. Examples of realtime include |
: event listeners (based on the REST WebService listener), WebService listener, Socket listener and JMS listener. | IM |
Rebate Templates |
A function allowing you to mass create many agreements at the same time, for example, do a mass upload of rebates from other systems. | TU |
Rebate Agreements |
One of the Pricefx functional areas where users can create and manage |
Rebate Agreements. | BU | |
Rebate Allocation | It is a process when the estimated (or final) Rebate calculated on the Rebate Record is split among the transactions associated with the Rebate Record. | BU |
Rebate Calculation (Scheduled Task) |
A special scheduled task |
which periodically recalculates a list of Rebate Records. | TU |
Rebate Calculation Logic (Calculation Context “agreement”) | It is a part of Rebate Calculation logic in elements marked with Calculation Context = agreement (or eventually no mark at all). It is responsible for |
preparation of definitions of input fields for the Rebate Agreement, Line Item, calculation of the RBALI results, and creation of Rebate Records. | TU |
Rebate Calculation Logic (Calculation Context “rebate record”) |
A part of Rebate Calculation Logic stored in Elements with CalculationContext = rebaterecord |
which is responsible for |
recalculation of the Rebate estimations, and creation of PayoutRecords. | TU |
Rebate header |
An overview of the complete rebate. One rebate can have only one header. | BU/TU |
Rebate line item |
A rebate item that defines a particular type of condition that should be fulfilled by another party, e.g., if you sell 10000 units, you get 3% back. One rebate can have multiple line items. | BU/TU |
Rebate Record |
A data-entity used for periodic recalculation of the Rebate estimations, accruals or payouts. One row in the record table refers to a line item in the rebate agreement. Rebate Records are also used to export rebate data to external systems. | TU |
Rebate Type / Condition Type |
A data entity |
which describes |
which Rebate Calculation Logic should be used for calculation of the Line Item and its associated Rebate Records. Optionally attributes values, which can be used as parameters for the Rebate Calculation Logic. | TU |
Rebate Agreement Types |
An area where the pre-programmed types of rebates calculation are displayed. The types are used to create new rebate agreements with pre-defined parameters. | BU/TU |
Representational State Transfer is a software architectural style for distributed hypermedia systems, used in the development of Web services. Distributed applications send and receive data via REST API. | TU |
REST Basic Auth |
The most simple way to deal with authentication is to use HTTP basic authentication, it uses a special HTTP header that adds 'username:password' encoded in base64. |
This authentication scheme is not used on plain HTTP, but only through SSL/TLS. | TU |
See JSON web token. | TU |
REST OAuth2 |
See OAuth2. | TU |
REST Public |
An open and accessible REST service that does not require any authentication or authorization. | TU |
Rollups |
A type of data analysis table that allows a higher level of aggregation and displays it |
in different charts. | TU |
Route |
A route is a set of rules which describe how to react to a specific event (incoming SOAP call, uploaded CSV file, etc.), in particular how to extract, transform and load the incoming data. A route is where the integration flow is defined. For example, to integrate two different systems then a Camel route can be coded to specify how these systems are integrated. | IM / IE |
S3 |
The S3 protocol is used in a URL that specifies the location of an Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) bucket and a prefix to use for reading or writing files in the bucket. | IE |
Sales Volume Forecast |
Volume (amount of products) forecast for the upcoming period. | ACC |
Sales Volume YTD |
Volume (amount of products) sold this year. |
YTD is a term that covers the period between the beginning of the year and the current (present) date. | ACC |
Scalability |
The ability to increase and upscale key system services; inbound and outbound volumes of data, accessibility of processes and services, and the number of users accessing data critical to the enterprise. | TU |
Scope (element of problem description file) |
Located within a space, it defines the perimeter in which the following variables and criteria exist. | Optimization |
SFTP | Secure File Transfer Protocol, used when you need to secure server-to-server file transfers between yourself, your trading partners, and enterprise servers, SFTP |
is a more secure option than FTP. | IE |
Ship and debit claims / Claims |
One of the Pricefx functional areas where users can create and manage ship and debit claims. | BU |
Simulations / Price Setting Simulations |
An area in Price Setting where users can analyze the impact of some price parameters change on the final price in Price Lists and Live Price Grids. | BU |
Space (element of problem description file) |
Defines the dimensions in which the following variables and criteria exist (i.e. a plate in the graphical norm). | Optimization |
Spring boot |
An extension of the Spring framework |
which has some specific features that make the application easier for working within the developer ecosystem. This extension includes pre-configurable web starter kits to facilitate the responsibilities of an application server. | IM |
Spring DSL |
This is essentially a |
façade for Spring Integration. The DSL provides a simple way to embed Spring Integration Message Flows into your application by using the fluent Builder pattern together with existing Java configuration from Spring Framework and Spring Integration. |
It provides an alternative to XML configuration. | IM |
Spring framework |
This is an open-source application framework that provides infrastructure support that enables faster development of Java applications by externalizing the configuration and using dependency injection. | IM |
SQL | SQL is an abbreviation for Structured Query Language. SQL is a standardized query language used for managing relational databases and performing various operations on the data |
. | TU |
Stamp |
Part of a message which helps track the origin of the changes that spread through the computation graph. | Optimization |
Stop Condition |
Defines when Multi-Agent Optimization Engine should stop. The types of conditions are the maximum number of steps, the minimum dissatisfaction level, and the minimum entropy level. | Optimization | |
Tableau | Tableau is business intelligence (BI) and analytics software. The platform was created to make it easier for you to understand your data and to give you the ability to make data-based decisions. | TU |
Trailing 12 months (TTM) |
Trailing 12 months (TTM) is a term used to describe the past 12 consecutive months. The 12 months do not necessarily coincide with a fiscal-year ending period. [End of Previous Month - 12 months] | BU/TU |
Transaction data |
Records of the product sales used in Analytics and for price calculations. Transactional data are commonly stored in Data Mart in Analytics. | BU/TU | |
Trigger | A type of route that periodically checks if the input data was delivered at a given location or if it is the correct time to start a route. This type of public routes is most used. The integration (in this case a scheduled job) usually starts by detecting whether the input data (CSV or XML file) was delivered into a source folder or whether it is the correct time to start an action. | IM |
Turnover YTD | Turnover from this year. | AP |
Unstructured data |
Refers to data that |
do not fit nicely into the traditional database architecture and has no identifiable internal order or structure. It is considered to be the opposite of structured data |
which is data stored in a database. | TU |
User groups |
A tool to provide access for users to data. | TU |
User roles |
Provides access for users to particular software functionality. | TU | |
Value Finder | It is an agent responsible for finding an adequate value for themselves, i.e. a value that satisfies some user-defined criteria. Typical Value Finders include list prices and discounts. | Optimization |
Value Finder Parameters | Settings for certain types of Value Finders. The settings include initial value, initial/minimal/maximal amplitudes, and increase/decrease coefficients. | Optimization |
Variable | An agent which maintains and exposes a value found in the problem. This is one of the concepts of the meta-model. | Optimization |
Warnings | User friendly table showing all warnings which occurred during running the |
application. | AP | |
Web Service | These services are part of the web service framework within IntegrationManager and are used to support inbound messages that are part of the integration between customer systems and Pricefx partition. | IM |
Workflow / Approval Workflow |
A process that enables approval of the documents and can be set up for different Pricefx functional areas. | BU |