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Gantt charts are commonly used in project management to visualize activities on a timeline.

gantt highchartImage Removed gantt highchartImage Added

To display a Gantt chart, use the Highcharts API to return a ResultHighchart from the element.

Code Block
ResultHighchart buildGanttChart(
        String title,
        List<String> yLabels,
        List<Map<String, Object>> data
) {
    def formats = libs.Library_Charts.Formats

    // Transform the dates into Unix Epoch, which is required by Highcharts. ❶
    def seriesData = data.collect {entry ->
        entry + [
                start: (entry.start as Date).getTime(),
                end: (entry.end as Date).getTime(),

    def chartDefinition = [
            chart  : [
                    type: 'gantt', // ❷
            credits: [
                    enabled: false, // Hide the Highcharts link
            legend : [
                    enabled: false, // Let the legend be hidden.
            title  : [
                    text: title,
            yAxis  : [
                    categories: yLabels,
            xAxis  : [
                    type  : 'datetime',
                    labels: [
                            format: "{value:$formats.MONTH_FORMAT}", // ❸
            series : [[
                              data      : seriesData,
                              dataLabels: [[
                                                   enabled: true,
                                                   useHTML: true,
                                                   align  : 'left'
                                           ], [
                                                   enabled: true,
                                                   useHTML: true,
                                                   align  : 'right'

    def chart = api.buildHighchart(chartDefinition)
    chart.addModule('gantt') // ❹

    return chart

❶ Times needs to be specified in Unix Epoch time, i.e. the number of milliseconds since 1st January, 1970.
❷ Specifies the type of the chart.
❸ Format the X axis, so that you do not just see a number.
❹ The Gantt chart module must be loaded explicitly, as it is not enabled by default.

Code Block
def gantt = libs.Library_Charts.Gantt

def data = [
                start   : '2022-11-1',
                end     : '2022-11-2',
                y       : 0,
                assignee: 'Johannes'
        ], [
                start     : '2022-11-2',
                end       : '2022-11-5',
                y         : 1,
                assignee  : 'Gustaf',
        ], [
                start   : '2022-11-8',
                end     : '2022-11-9',
                y       : 2,
                assignee: 'Karl-Oskar'
        ], [
                start   : '2022-11-9',
                end     : '2022-11-19',
                y       : 1,
                assignee: 'Johannes'
        ], [
                start     : '2022-11-10',
                end       : '2022-11-23',
                y         : 2,
                assignee  : 'Karl-Oskar',
].collect { dataPoint ->
    dataPoint + [
            start: api.parseDate('yyyy-MM-dd', dataPoint.start as String),
            end:   api.parseDate('yyyy-MM-dd', dataPoint.end as String),

def yLabels = ['Prototyping', 'Development', 'Testing']

gantt.buildGanttChart('Project Planning', yLabels, data)
