You’re using Rebate Type Picker Filter logic is used when you need to:
To limit Limit the set of Rebate Types the user can see when adding a new type/item to a rebate agreement.
Logic API
Logic Nature: rebateTypeFilter
Logic Type: Calculation/Pricing
Execution Types:
Standard - to build a Filter, – Builds a filter which will be used to limit the Rebate Types the user can see.
Information provided to the logic:
binding Binding variables
rebateagreement: Map - data – Data about inputs and outputs of the contract header, folders and items.
Expected logic execution outcome:
from From Standard mode execution:
elements Elements are expected to return a value of the type Filter. When more elements return a value of the type Filter, those Filters these filters will be ANDed.
if If some element returns a value , which is not of the type Filter, it will be ignored.
We do not have an a specific example specific for a rebate type picker filter logic, but you can review the quote product filter logic which does, which is doing - in principle - , the same thing, with the difference, . The only difference is that this example returns a filter for Product instead of a filter for Rebate Type objects: QuoteProductFilter_Sample.