E-Commerce Package is tailored to be used in Dynamic Pricing Context. Therefore it supports price setting in Live Price Grids (LPG). Also, the Price Flexibility Package is fully compatible to "monitor" independent LPGs.
Calculation logics contain the final output values. One of them is a price decision (which contains info about which price / price strategy we calculate, or reason for a price) and the other is a Final Price which contains a price after calculations. Exceptions and overrides have a strong connection to these values. With the default settings, our hierarchy is defined in https://pricefx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ACCDEVACC/pages/32461297345933730461/PSP+Override+Module#Override-Order-(Highest-to-Lowest).
Price Checks
Some price checks are performed on calculated results. More details can be found in PSP Price Checks Module.