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PricefxPlasma, powered by Bain & Company, provides industry-level benchmarking to B2B enterprise companies that need to develop strategic insights into their pricing processes and performance to compare them to market averages.


Plasma dashboards provide out of the box to the user a pre-defined set of more than 20 market-relevant performance KPIs enabling data-driven assessment and benchmark to other companies.

Those KPIs are structured into 4 dashboards: 

For details see /wiki/spaces/ACCDEV/pages/5883560050Plasma Dashboards (Archived 2025).


PricefxPlasma is designed to answer the most mission-critical pricing analytical questions:


KPIs currently measured in PricefxPlasma include:

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End-to-end price waterfall

Detailed price buildup, including on- and off-invoice discounts, cost elements, geographical prices, list prices and margin elements.

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Deal approval process

Deal velocity, percentage of deals outside discount guidelines, number of steps in approval process.

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Price Setting

List prices increases captured in realized price, number of list price changes per year. 

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Measures of customer and product concentration

Percentage of customers/products to reach revenue deciles.
