Here you can find general QA terminology which is often used on projects with some examples when and how it can be used effectively. It should make the conversation between the team members easier and make sure that everyone is on the same page . In case you are discussing the terminology with Partners or Customers, please ensure you understand the same terminology in the same way - in that case you will eliminate further misunderstandingsThis article provides a list of common QA (Quality Assurance) terms used in the industry and their definitions. It covers terms such as bug/defect, black box testing, white box testing, experience-based testing, exploratory testing, UAT testing, regression testing, retesting, smoke testing, happy flow, epic, user story, root cause, test case, use case, sprint vs. Kanban, performance, and deployment.
General overview of QA terminology and testing in general can be found here:
BUG/Defect - everything what is not working as it should (based on requirement, general knowledge of the system etc.)
Often used techniques by BBT coming from Boundary value analysis, State transition testing or decision tabels tables (refer to or any other source to get familiar with this techniques)