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Strategy Designer’s additional configuration is stored in its configuration JSON in the pfxExternalApp_visual_configuration_strategy_designer strategyDesigner entry in the Advanced Configuration Options. The value is a JSON object.

A default configuration (as of PSP 2.6) looks like this:

Code Block
  "namegroovyLibraryName": "strategy-designerCustomPricingStrategiesLib",
  "labelcustomBlocksGroovyLibraryName": "Strategy DesignerStrategyDesignerCustomBlocks",
  "urlexcludedParameters": ""[],
  "businessRoledeploymentLogicName": "StrategyDesignerStrategyDesignerDeployment",
  "configuration": {
    "advancedConfigurationStateEntrylivePreviewDependencyLevel": "visual_configuration_psp_state",
    "stateLookupTableName": "StrategyDesignerStateGlobal",
  "dependencyConfigurationTable": "DependencyConfiguration",

   "priceListLogicName": "IndependentPriceListLogicPSP_PricingLogic",

   "priceSettingDimensionsTableadditionalParameters": "PriceSettingDimensions",{
    "strategyDefinitionTableSECONDARY_KEY": "StrategyDefinition", {
      "livePreviewDependencyLevellabel": "GlobalSecondary Key",
      "groovyLibraryNametooltip": "CustomPricingStrategiesLibSecondary Key",
      "customBlocksGroovyLibraryNametype": "StrategyDesignerCustomBlocks",
    "excludedParameters": [],
   "additionalParameters": {}

You can only specify the parameters you want to change. Others will use their default values.Values of name, label, url, and businessRoleare needed for Unity in order to display Strategy Designer in the menu.


name – Unique name among the external applications which will be part of the URL. Make sure it is unique among all pfxExternalApp_ entries.


label – Text of the menu item. You can safely change this.


url – Points to the server where Strategy Designer is deployed.


businessRole – Specifies the business role that the user has to have assigned to see the menu item.



Here is a list of options you can specify within the configuration object, with their default values and a description. A default value is used when you omit the option.


Default Value




Key in the Advanced Configuration Options where the deployed state of the Strategy Designer is stored. Change this if you want Strategy Designer to store its deployed state elsewhere, or load it from elsewhere.



Company Parameter where the draft state of the Strategy Designer is stored



Name of a Groovy Library which contains the custom strategies' generated code.

It does not have to exist; it will be created during the first deployment.



Name of a Groovy Library which contains definitions of custom blocks.

Learn how to define custom blocks in Create Custom Blocks in Groovy (Strategy Designer).



List of default PSP parameters you want to exclude. Specifying them will hide the blocks from the workspace. For details see Exclude Out-of-the-box PSP Parameters (Strategy Designer).



The name of the Groovy logic is called by the Strategy Designer when a strategy is activated. This logic acts as a hook for the PSP to intercept the activation event. Its main responsibility is to update the StrategyDefinition PP, and it may also include additional custom code that is executed upon strategy activation.




Default dependency level for the Live Preview. It became obsolete in Unity v12 where you can pick the level yourself from a drop-down.



PSP table where dependencies are configured. Unless you have a custom PSP deployment, you should not need to change this.





Name of the PSP’s


pricing logic. Unless you have a custom PSP deployment, you should not need to change this.

This logic is used by the Live Preview functionality.




PSP table where dimensions are configured. Unless you have a custom PSP deployment, you should not need to change this. It became obsolete in Unity v12 where strategy selection functionality was removed.



PSP table where strategy definitions are configured. Unless you have a custom PSP deployment, you should not need to change this.

This is where the custom strategies are written when they are deployed





Default dependency level for the Live Preview. It became obsolete in version 1.0.0 where you can pick the level yourself from a drop-down.



Name of a Groovy Library which contains the custom strategies' generated code.

It does not have to exist; it will be created during the first deployment.



Name of a Groovy Library which contains definitions of custom blocks.

Learn how to define custom blocks in Create Custom Blocks in Groovy (Strategy Designer).



List of default PSP parameters you want to exclude. Specifying them will hide the blocks from the workspace. For details see Exclude Out-of-the-box PSP Parameters (Strategy Designer)




List of additional PSP parameters you want to see as blocks. Typically, you would need to specify any additional parameters you created in your customized PSP logic. For details see Include Additional PSP Parameters (Strategy Designer).