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Here is a quick overview of how these dashboards can help pricing specialists. For details, check out Plasma dashboards.

Executive Summary

Primary dashboard that consolidates some of the most important KPIs which are present also in the other dashboards.


Good to know:

In this case, you want to rank in the bottom quartile as it means this is where the best deals with the lowest negative margin are made.

titlePercentage of Accounts with Negative Margin

Percentage of Accounts with Negative Margin

This is calculated with revenue.

Understanding the chart

The bar chart presents Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Data, showcasing three separate bars on the X-axis representing the bottom quartile, median, and upper quartile. The Y-axis represents the percentage of accounts with a negative margin. Additionally, there is a blue reference line in the chart that represents Customer Data. This line corresponds to the average of the available customer data when drilling down into the details.

To access the detailed customer data by month, you can click on the blue line, which provides a drill-down option. In this detailed view, the customer data is presented. If the output value is negative, it is displayed as zero.

The purpose of this chart is to illustrate the revenue share generated by customer accounts that have a negative gross margin during the specified period. It calculates the ratio of revenue from accounts with a negative margin to the total revenue, providing insights into the price effectiveness after considering all price leakage.

In terms of interpretation, the chart indicates that X% of the revenue was contributed by customer accounts with a negative gross margin during the period under consideration.

Good to know:

In this case, you want to rank in the bottom quartile as it means this is where the best deals with the lowest negative margin are made.

titlePercentage of Transactions with Negative Margin

Percentage of Transactions with Negative Margin

These are calculated with revenue.

Understanding the chart

The bar chart provides a visual representation of key performance indicator (KPI) data, specifically focusing on the percentage of transactions with a negative margin. The X-axis of the chart is divided into three separate bars, representing the bottom quartile, median, and upper quartile. On the Y-axis, the percentage of transactions with a negative margin is displayed.

In addition to the bar chart, a blue reference line is included, which showcases customer data. This reference line corresponds to the average of the customer data available when drilling down into the details. By clicking on the blue line, users can access more detailed customer data categorized by month. This will allow you to see if you are on a correcting trend by month as opposed to a general feel. It may happen that overall you might be doing better but month by month the trend might be telling a different story and you need to be aware of this.

For instance, take company X. While they seem to be working on improving their negative transactions percentage, you can notice that in fact, despite fluctuations, there is an ascending trend which is clearly detrimental.

It is important to note that if the output value is negative, it will be displayed as a zero value. This ensures clarity and prevents confusion when analyzing the chart.

The primary purpose of this chart is to illustrate the revenue share generated by transactions with a negative gross margin during the specified period. This is calculated by dividing the revenue from transactions with a negative margin by the total revenue.

Moreover, this chart serves as a measure of price effectiveness, taking into consideration any price leakage that may have occurred. By examining the percentage of revenue generated from transactions with a negative gross margin, it becomes possible to assess the impact of pricing strategies and identify potential areas for improvement.

To interpret the chart, you can observe the percentage indicated on the Y-axis, which represents the proportion of revenue derived from transactions with a negative gross margin during the specified period. For example, if the chart displays "X% of my revenue came from transactions with a negative gross margin on the period," it signifies that X% of the total revenue was generated from such transactions.

titleTTM per Unit Realized Price Percent Increase

TTM per Unit Realized Price Percent Increase

Understanding the chart

The bar chart is a powerful visualization tool that effectively displays key performance indicator (KPI) data. The Y-axis represents the percentage of per unit realized price increase. This chart provides valuable insights into the performance of the company's pricing strategy.

The blue reference line that displays customer data serves as a benchmark for comparison and allows users to gauge the effectiveness of their pricing strategies relative to customer expectations.

The value shown on the main chart corresponds to the latest available month of data. By drilling down into the chart, you can access detailed customer data on a monthly basis. This feature provides a more granular understanding of customer behavior and allows for targeted analysis and decision-making.

It is worth noting that if the output value is negative, it will be displayed as zero. This ensures that negative values do not skew the overall analysis and presentation of the data.

Overall, the chart effectively presents the actual average percentage increase of the realized price over a specific period. It enables you to analyze whether the realized price has increased or decreased in the last trailing twelve months. This information is crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of pricing strategies, identifying trends, and making informed pricing decisions to drive revenue growth.


titleAverage Number of Steps in Approval Process

Average Number of Steps in Approval Process

Understanding the chart

The bar chart showcases Customer Data, providing valuable insights into the performance and behavior of customers. The value displayed on the chart corresponds to the average of the customer data available when drilling down into the details.

The main focus of this chart is to display the average number of steps a quote goes through during the approval process. Each step represents a stage or action within the approval workflow. By visualizing this information, companies can assess the efficiency of their approval processes and compare them to industry standards thus optimizing and streamlining the workflow to better reflect the need to quick quoting and deal management.

This analysis helps identify potential bottlenecks or inefficiencies, leading to enhanced productivity and smoother approval processes.


Good to know:

Where you rank in this chart is not a reflection on how well you are doing financially but rather on how efficiently you work and how streamlined your processes are.

PlanĀ Plan

Dashboard based on transactions data providing mostly insights on pricing business structure. The Plan dashboard includes 7 charts alongside the Comparison Waterfall, Percentage of accounts with negative margin and Percentage of transactions with negative margin we have described above.


titleNumber of Sales People TTM

Number of Sales People TTM

Understanding the chart

Similar in structure, this chart displays the number of unique people who managed transactions in the period shown. It enables you to understand and compare organizations. The less fluctuation you see here, the more stable your business actually is.

Moreover it can help, together with our Sales Compensation capability, to better reward your sales people.


titlePercentage of Deals Needing Approvals

Percentage of Deals Needing Approvals

This chart is calculated with the number of deals.

Understanding the chart

The chart shows the percentage of deals that are required to go through an approval process. In this context, a "deal" refers to a submitted quote that has been approved.

The blue dotted reference line shows your data and where you position against industry peers.

The chart serves as a tool for evaluating the efficiency of the approval process. By tracking the percentage of deals that require approval, you can assess whether your processes align with industry benchmarks. If a high percentage of deals consistently require approval, it may indicate bottlenecks or inefficiencies in the approval workflow. On the other hand, a low percentage suggests a streamlined process where deals move swiftly through the pipeline.

The main aim here is to identify opportunities for optimizing processes. If your company's approval process lags behind industry standards, it may lead to delays in closing deals and potential revenue loss.

Optimizing the approval process offers several benefits. It reduces the time it takes for deals to move through the pipeline, improving overall sales velocity and increasing the likelihood of closing deals successfully. Faster approvals can also enhance customer satisfaction by providing timely responses and reducing customer wait times. Moreover, optimized processes contribute to increased revenue generation by minimizing delays and maximizing the conversion rate of deals.


Good to know: The best place to be in this case is the bottom quartile.
