This is the main interface of the Strategy Designer. It consists of the following main sections:
List of strategies, snippets, or data lookups (depending on the selected tab)
Workspace where the blocks can be connected together
Info |
If you have not read Basics of Drag & Drop Visual Configuration /wiki/spaces/ACCDEV/pages/4625006712 already, now is the time. The rest of this document assumes familiarity with the drag & drop workspace. |
Active: Lists all the active pricing strategies that have been activated and deployed to the partition and can be used by the PSPPrice Setting Accelerator.
Drafts: Contains strategies that are in draft mode and have not yet been activated.
Superseded (collapsed by default): Shows strategies that have been replaced by newer versions.
Info |
When importing from JSON, everything is imported as a draft. If the same snippet or data lookup already exists, a duplicate is not imported. |
Duplicate / Duplicate as draft: Creates a copy of the selected strategy, snippet or data lookup. The copy will be created as a draft allowing you to modify the strategy/'data lookup' separately.
Three-dots menu: Clicking three dots, the two options appear.
Delete: Deletes the selected strategy, or data lookup. A confirmation dialog is displayed.
Export: Allows you to export the selected, active or all (a collection) strategies / 'data lookups' in the JSON format. The JSON can be downloaded as a file or copied to the clipboard.
latest strategies, snippets and lookups. For more information, see Import / Export (Strategy Designer).
Redeploy - This action is only available to users with the Administer Strategy Designer user role. It redeploys the active strategy to the partition, therefore regenerating the code and overwriting it on the partition and calling the post-deployment logic, if it’s configured.
Toolbox: Contains all the visual blocks you can drag into the workspace. Refer to the Strategy Toolbox (Strategy Designer) article for more details.
Workspace:Here you put the blocks together.