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This article provides an overview of the The Pricefx Value Roadmap, which outlines the implementation of various Pricefx capabilities in a structured and modular approach. It will emphasize these key points:

  • Importance of establishing a strong foundational phase, including integration, waterfall, and analytical frameworks, to support subsequent phases.

  • Role of Industry Catalogs in the Prescriptive Delivery methodology, emphasizing the significance of SOW templates, Prescriptive Design Requirements, User Stories, and Estimation Guides.

  • Customization and flexibility in the approach, allowing for adjustments based on specific industry needs and use cases.

  • Emphasis on Data Readiness Management as a crucial element for project delivery, ensuring that data is prepared and structured appropriately from the outset.

  • Inclusion of certain universal components, such as data structures and dashboard accelerators, in every SOW, indicating their essential nature for project success


Breakdown of Value Roadmap Foundation

This illustration outlines the value roadmap for implementing different Pricefx capabilities, emphasizing that these can be executed in various sequences as long as the foundational phase is included in phase 1. The proposal is to implement only the foundational phase in phase 1, followed by a business go-live.

Role of Industry Catalog with Prescriptive

Illustrates how Industry Catalogs play a crucial role in the Prescriptive Delivery methodology, emphasizing the components essential for a structured approach towards industry-specific solutions. It delves into the significance of SOW templates, Prescriptive Design Requirements, User Stories, and Estimation Guides within the catalog framework, highlighting their pivotal role in shaping tailored solution

Visualized with building blocks, the roadmap highlights a modular approach and underscores the foundational elements essential for developing industry-specific solutions.

Role of Foundation to Support Phases

The foundational elements listed (Integration, Waterfall, PA, CIP, SIP, Plasma) refer to key methodologies, data integrations, and analytical frameworks that will serve as the foundation upon which all other subsequence phases will be built.

This includes the following:


Use of the Data Readiness process for identifying, extracting, merging, validating and integrating the critical attributes from the customer’s applications that are necessary to support the Pricefx analytics and solutions.


Price Waterfall is a crucial concept in pricing optimization that helps businesses understand and analyze the factors influencing their pricing strategies. It is a key ingredient for optimizing pricing strategies, revenue and profit analysis, performance evaluation and enables data-driven decision making.

PA, CIP, SIP and Plasma

These comprise the Pricefx Analytics tools that utilize the data from the integration phase to support numerous analytical dashboards that are built using Analytics (PA), Sales Insights Accelerator (SIP), Customer Insights Accelerator (CIP) and Plasma products.


KEY INSIGHT: The placement of "Foundation" at the bottom signifies its critical role in supporting all subsequent activities. Without a solid foundation, higher-level processes like optimization might not be as effective.

Subsequent Phases

The roadmap suggests a sequential flow where the core foundational elements support the next stages and provide the framework upon which all other capabilities will be built. For example, in the diagram the foundation is supporting the following:

  • Rebates & Claims: Handling financial adjustments and reimbursements.

  • Quoting: Generating quotes for services or products.

  • Price Setting: Determining pricing strategies.

  • Optimization: Enhancing and refining processes for better efficiency and effectiveness.


KEY VALUE: The roadmap should effectively communicate the importance of establishing a robust foundation to support higher-level processes in a project. By focusing on integration and key analytics first, we can ensure smoother execution of subsequent stages like rebates & claims, quoting, price setting, and optimization.


This section highlights the importance of establishing a strong foundation before proceeding with further steps.

Data Readiness Management:

Identified as a crucial element.

It is essential to set up Data Readiness Management before the project starts, as it significantly impacts project delivery.

Key Insights of Value Roadmap Foundation

The following are the key takeaways from this roadmap:

  • Importance of Data Readiness Management: The document underscores that Data Readiness Management is one of the most valuable pieces of project delivery, highlighting its role in ensuring that data is prepared and structured appropriately from the outset.

  • Customization and Flexibility: The mention of menu selection during the Prescriptive Workshop suggests that the approach is customizable, allowing for adjustments based on specific industry needs and use cases.

  • Foundational Elements: Establishing a solid foundation with proper data structures and company parameters is critical. This ensures that subsequent steps are built on a reliable base, reducing risks and enhancing project outcomes.

  • Universal Components in SOW: Including certain elements like data structures and dashboard accelerators in every SOW implies that these components are essential for the success of any project, regardless of the specific industry.

This structured approach ensures that projects are well-prepared from the beginning, with a clear focus on data readiness and tailored solutions for different discussed in the following pages:

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