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cccccThis article outlines the steps and requirements for a project workflow, focusing on the stages before, during, and after a workshop. It highlights the importance of a comprehensive Statement of Work (SoW) that includes detailed timelines, requirements, user stories, and estimations.

The article emphasizes the significance of aligning use cases with industry standards, evaluating user stories, identifying data sources, and finalizing data readiness as part of the collaborative workshop. The SoW should also include aligned use cases, detailed estimations, and a list of team members from both the partner and PriceFx, with a clear understanding of the non-negotiable support from PriceFx.

Workshop to SoW.jpg

The illustration show above outlines the steps and requirements for a project workflow, specifically focusing on the stages before, during, and after a workshop.


By comprehensively addressing these key elements within the SoW, the project team has laid a solid foundation for the engagement, instilling confidence in the customer and setting the stage for a collaborative and productive partnership throughout the project's lifecycle.In the Statement of Work (SoW):

  • Proposed Timeline: Outline the project timeline.

  • Requirements Overview: Provide an overview of the project requirements.

  • User Stories: Detail user stories to understand user needs.

  • Estimations: Provide estimations for the project.

After: User Stories + Data Workshop

During the Collaborative Workshop session, we should accomplish the following:


Align Use Cases


with Industry Standards

Organize and align use cases with established industry standards to ensure relevance and consistency with best practices.


Evaluate User Stories for


Each Use Case


Thoroughly examine and evaluate user stories in


relation to each identified use case to confirm alignment, identify and resolve any potential discrepancies or redundancies.


Determine Required Data Sources for


Each User Story


Identify and define the essential data sources


needed for the successful execution of each user story, guaranteeing the availability and accuracy of data.

Finalize Data Readiness


Ensure that all preparatory data


tasks are thoroughly finalized, validating the completion of essential data readiness requirements as a crucial prerequisite for


commencing the project, guaranteeing the presence and accessibility of all required data.

Ensure Presence of Project Manager from PFX/Partner


Ensure the


participation of a committed project manager from PFX/Partner in the workshop to offer guidance, support, and alignment with project objectives.

Establish Customer-Side Team Setup


Facilitate the setup of the customer-side team by ensuring clear definition and operation of roles, responsibilities, and communication channels for seamless collaboration and progress.

SoW (Statement of Work)

In Within the detailed SoW document, the following essential components are comprehensively outlined:

Aligned Industry-Standard Use Cases


Estimations: Provide detailed project estimations.


Timeline Presented in Weeks Instead of Mention of Actual Dates: Present the timeline in weeks rather than specific dates.


The project's use cases have been meticulously aligned with established industry standards, ensuring the solution's relevance and consistency with best practices.

Detailed Project Estimations
The SoW includes comprehensive estimations covering various aspects of the project, such as effort, timeline, and cost, demonstrating the team's commitment to transparent and realistic planning.

Flexible Timeline in Weeks
Rather than specifying actual dates, the project timeline is presented in weeks, allowing for greater flexibility and easier adjustments as needed throughout the engagement.

Collaborative Partner and PriceFx Team
The SoW outlines the team members from both the partner organization and PriceFx, clearly defining their respective roles and responsibilities. PriceFx's support is non-negotiable, with a minimum level of engagement, such as weekly calls, and an increased level of participation based on the partner's experience.

Mandatory Requirements for the Client
The SoW unambiguously communicates the mandatory requirements to the client, including team composition, participation, timely data delivery, and testing, ensuring a clear understanding of the expectations and prerequisites for a successful project initiation.

By comprehensively addressing these critical elements within the SoW, the project team has established a solid foundation for the engagement, instilling confidence in the client and setting the stage for a collaborative and well-executed project delivery.

Contents of the SoW

The Statement of Work (SoW) outlines key project elements that establish a solid foundation for the engagement:

Industry-Standard Use Cases Alignment
The project's use cases have been meticulously aligned with established industry standards, ensuring the solution's relevance and consistency with best practices, thereby positioning the engagement as a standard, industry-recognized project.

Detailed Project Estimations
The Statement of Work (SoW) includes comprehensive estimations covering various aspects of the project, such as effort, timeline, and cost, demonstrating the team's commitment to transparent and realistic planning.

Flexible Timeline Presentation in Weeks
Rather than specifying actual dates, the project timeline is presented in weeks, allowing for greater flexibility and easier adjustments as needed throughout the engagement, ensuring the timeline remains responsive to evolving project demands.

Collaborative Partner and PriceFx Team
The SoW outlines the team members from both the partner organization and PriceFx, clearly defining their respective roles and responsibilities. PriceFx's support is non-negotiable, with


a minimum level of engagement, such as weekly calls, and an increased level of participation based on the partner's experience, ensuring the appropriate level of expertise and guidance throughout the project.

Mandatory Requirements


for the Client


The SoW unambiguously communicates the mandatory requirements to the client, including team


composition, participation, timely data delivery


, and testing, ensuring a clear understanding of the expectations and prerequisites for a successful project initiation and execution.

By comprehensively addressing these critical elements within the SoW, the project team has established a solid foundation for the engagement, instilling confidence in the client and setting the stage for a collaborative and well-executed project delivery.

NOTE: There will be no project start if:

  • There is no data drop.

  • There is no proper team setup and governance on the customer's side.

Mandatory Prerequisites for Project Initiation

The project will not commence unless the following prerequisites are met:

Data Drop Completion
The required data drop must be completed and made available before the project can begin.

Proper Customer-Side Team Setup and Governance
A proper team setup and governance structure must be established on the customer's side to ensure effective collaboration and progress throughout the project.

These mandatory prerequisites are clearly communicated to ensure all stakeholders understand the essential conditions that must be in place for the successful initiation and execution of the project.

Key Insights on Workshop to SoW

The following are the key insights on Workshop to SoW migration:

Structured Workflow


The document provides a clear and structured workflow, guiding the team through the entire process from initial requirements gathering to


the finalization of the comprehensive Statement of Work (SoW).

Emphasis on Ensuring Data Readiness


Data readiness is highlighted as a crucial prerequisite for starting the project, underscoring the importance of ensuring that all necessary data is available and properly organized. This emphasis demonstrates the team's commitment to setting the stage for a successful project execution.

Importance of Client


-Partner-PriceFx Coordination


The document emphasizes the significance of close coordination between the client, partner, and PriceFx


, particularly in the areas of team setup and governance. This collaborative approach ensures alignment and clear lines of communication throughout the engagement.


Flexible Timeline Presentation in Weeks
The decision to present the project timeline in weeks rather than specific dates allows for greater flexibility and easier adjustments as the project progresses. This approach demonstrates the team's responsiveness to evolving project demands and their ability to adapt the timeline as needed.

Non-Negotiable PriceFx Support


The document outlines the non-negotiable support from PriceFx, which ensures


a minimum level of engagement and oversight from their side


. This commitment to active involvement underscores PriceFx's dedication to the project's success and the partner's ability to leverage their expertise as needed.

By addressing these key insights, the document showcases a comprehensive and structured approach to project delivery, setting the stage for a collaborative and well-executed engagement.