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There are several types of prompts that a user can enter for the Pricefx Generative AI chat bot. These prompts are designed to provide instructions or input to the GenAI model and guide its response. Here are some common types of prompts:

Instructional Prompts

These prompts explicitly provide instructions to the AI model about what the user wants it to do or generate. For example, a user can ask the AI to write a poem, solve a math problem, or generate a piece of code.

Instructional prompts for AI refer to are specific instructions or questions given to an the AI model to generate a desired response or output. These prompts serve as a means of providing provide context and guidance to the AI, helping it understand what is expected of it. The core concepts of instructional prompts include providing context, being . When creating instructional prompts, it's important to provide sufficient context, be specific, and building build on the conversation. When creating instructional prompts for AI, it is important to provide sufficient context to ensure This ensures that the AI understands the desired outcome. This can be done by framing the prompt with relevant information or setting a specific scenario. Being specific in the prompt helps to narrow down the AI's response and generate more , generates accurate and relevant outputs. Additionally, building on the conversation involves incorporating previous interactions or responses into subsequent prompts, creating a more , and creates a coherent and dynamic dialogue with the AI.

titleHere's an example of an instructional style prompt:

Instructional Prompt: "Write a step-by-step guide on how to bake chocolate chip cookies."


This prompt instructs the user to create a detailed guide that walks through the process of baking chocolate chip cookies. The instructional style prompt typically includes clear directives, specific tasks, and may even provide additional guidelines or constraints as needed.

By using this prompt, the AI model can generate a comprehensive and structured guide that outlines each step involved



Question Prompts

Users can ask questions to the AI model by formulating their prompts as queries. The AI model will then attempt to provide an answer or response based on the information it has been trained on.

The core concepts of question prompts for AI involve formulating clear and specific queries that provide context and guide the AI model to generate relevant responses. According to [1], an article from MIT Sloan Teaching, the three key strategies for effective prompt engineering are providing context, being specific, and building on the conversation. Providing context involves framing the prompt with relevant information or setting a specific scenario to help the AI understand the desired outcome. Being specific in the prompt helps to narrow down the AI's response and generate more accurate and relevant outputs. Building on the conversation involves incorporating previous interactions or responses into subsequent prompts, creating a more coherent and dynamic dialogue with the AI.

The It is important to craft well-designed prompts that provide context, are specific, and build on the conversation to guide the AI model and generate relevant responses. These question prompts serve as a bridge between human intent and machine understanding, enabling us to communicate our desires and queries to generative AI models. The article emphasizes the importance of crafting well-designed prompts that steer AI interaction by instructing AI on exactly what is expected of it. Good question prompts are essential for obtaining accurate and relevant responses from AI models.Overall, the core concepts of question prompts for AI involve providing context, being specific, and building on the conversation to guide the AI model and generate relevant responses.effective communication with AI models.

titleHere’s an example of a good and effective question style prompt:

Efficient Question Prompt: "What are the top three benefits of using cloud computing for small businesses?"


This prompt is specific, targeted, and efficient in that it asks the


AI to identify the top three benefits of cloud computing for small businesses. The prompt includes clear directives and constraints, which helps to streamline the response generation process and produce a more focused output.

This type of prompt is best because it encourages


AI to provide a concise and informative response that addresses the specific needs of small businesses. The prompt also provides a clear structure for the response, which helps to ensure that the generated output is relevant and aligned with the user's expectations




Completion Prompts

With completion Completion prompts , allow users can to provide a partial sentence or phrase and ask the AI model to complete it. The model will generate a response that is coherent with the given context. The core concepts of completion prompts for AI involve providing a partial sentence or phrase and instructing the AI model to generate a coherent and relevant completion. Completion prompts are used to guide the AI in generating the next part of a text based on the given context. By providing an incomplete sentence or phrase, the AI can fill in the missing information to create a more comprehensive response.The goal of completion prompts is to leverage the AI model's language generation capabilities to generate produce creative and contextually appropriate completions. These prompts , which can be used in various applications, such as generating story continuations, completing code snippets, or even composing music. To create effective completion prompts, it is important to provide clear and specific instructions to guide the AI's response. By carefully crafting the prompt, specifying the desired output, and providing any necessary context, users are important, as they can influence the AI's generation process and obtain lead to more accurate and relevant completions. It's worth noting that the effectiveness of completion prompts may vary depending on the AI model and its training data. Experimentation and iteration are often may be necessary to refine and improve the results obtained from completion prompts.

titleHere's an example of a completion type of prompt:

Completion Prompt: "The key to a successful presentation is __________."


This prompt provides a partial sentence and prompts the


AI to complete it with


its own input. Completion prompts are effective because they encourage


AI to engage in creative thinking and generate their own ideas or insights.

This format works best because it allows


AI to express


a unique


perspective and knowledge on a given topic

. The open-ended nature of completion prompts promotes user creativity and encourages them to think critically about the subject matter.

Using this prompt, the AI model can generate a variety of responses based on the user's completion. For example, the completion "The key to a successful presentation is thorough preparation and engaging storytelling" would generate a response that emphasizes the importance of preparation and storytelling in delivering an impactful presentation.



Dialog Prompts

Dialogue prompts involve having a conversation with the AI model. Users can Dialog prompts allow users to engage in a back-and-forth interaction by providing prompts that simulate a dialogue with the AI model, simulating a conversation between two or more participants. The core concepts of dialog prompts for AI involve simulating a conversation between a user and an AI model. Dialog prompts are designed to guide The core concept involves guiding the AI's responses in a back-and-forth exchange, mimicking a natural conversation. The prompts typically consist of natural conversation by providing alternating user inputs and AI responses. Dialog prompts enable users to have This enables interactive and dynamic interactions with AI models. By providing user inputs and incorporating , as users can incorporate the AI's previous responses into subsequent prompts, a continuous conversation can be simulated. This allows for leading to more engaging and contextually relevant interactionsconversations.

titleHere's an example of a dialog type of prompt:

User Prompt: "What is the weather like today?"

AI Response: “The weather today is [output]. Is there anything else you would like to know?"


In a dialog prompt, the user engages in a conversation with the AI system, simulating a back-and-forth exchange. The prompt consists of an initial user query followed by an AI response, creating a conversational flow.

This format works best because it mirrors natural human conversation and fosters a more interactive and engaging user experience. Dialog prompts allow users to ask follow-up questions, seek clarifications, or explore related topics, creating a dynamic interaction with the AI system.

To create effective dialog prompts, it is important to provide clear and specific user inputs that set the desired context and guide the AI's understanding. Users can also use system-level instructions to guide the behavior of the AI model throughout


the conversation



Dialog prompts are particularly useful for applications such as chatbots, virtual assistants, or interactive storytelling. They allow users to have interactive and personalized experiences with AI models, enhancing user engagement and providing tailored responses based on the ongoing conversation.

Creative Prompts


The core concepts concept of creative prompts for AI involve involves providing instructions or queries that stimulate the AI model to generate imaginative and innovative outputs. Creative prompts are designed to encourage the AI to think outside the box and generate novel ideas , or solutions, or artistic creations. Crafting effective creative prompts requires careful consideration. The prompts , as they should be open-ended , allowing the AI to explore various possibilities and generate diverse responses. They should also provide while also providing specific guidance or constraints to ensure the generated content aligns with the desired creative direction.To create successful creative prompts, it is important to strike . Striking a balance between providing enough guidance to steer steering the AI's creativity and leaving room for unexpected and innovative outputs is important. Experimentation and iteration are often necessary to refine the prompts and fine-tune the AI's creative responses. Creative prompts can be used in a variety of applications, such as generating unique artwork, composing music, writing stories, or brainstorming ideas. They enable users to leverage the creative capabilities of AI models to explore new possibilities and generate inspiring content.

titleHere's an example of a creative type of prompt:

Creative Prompt: "Write a short story about a mysterious door that leads to a magical realm."


This prompt encourages


AI to engage in creative thinking and

prompts them

to create a unique and imaginative story based on the given scenario.

Creative prompts are open-ended and inspire users to explore their creativity, storytelling abilities, and imaginative ideas.

This format works best because it allows


AI to

unleash their

tap into creativity and imagination, leading to the generation of diverse and captivating stories. By providing a specific theme or scenario, the prompt sets the stage for


AI to create

their own

narratives, characters, and plotlines.

Using this prompt, the AI model can generate a wide range of responses, each representing a different story concept or interpretation

