As the current version of PlatformManager does not support all of the steps needed to deploy the Customer Insights Package, the step Deploy & Run Calculation Flows (Manual Step) needs to be performed manually.
Get access to PlatformManager and target partition, as described in common installation prerequisites.
Access PlatformManager at https://platform.pricefx.com/ and log in.
Go to Marketplace and find the Customer Insights package.
Click the accelerator package tile, select the partition where you want to deploy the package and confirm the deployment dialog to start.
For detailed description of all deployment options, see PlatformManager documentation.
Set up Datamart mapping.
Select the Datamart name and field names (from the Datamart) for mapping and click Continue.
Wait for the system to finish the import.
The deployment is complete.
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The PFXTemplate_CustomerInsights_Customer_SegmentCompany Parameter needs to be consistent with the partition data for the fields set as Active. This CP defines the fields used for a customer segmentation.
Batching for the aggregated Data Load must be configured before the calculation is triggered (next step). For more details, refer to Configurable Batching for Aggregation Data Load.
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