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The Company Parameter StrategyDefinition contains a list of pricing strategies that are available in the price setting package, along with details about the strategic hierarchy, calculation engine and strategy calculation information.

Let’s explain some of fields:

  • Level – When you create a new pricing strategy, you must consider the level that the strategy will operate at. In the StrategyDefinition parameter you can see that most Pricing Strategies have two levels – Parent for global scope and Dependent level for regions, countries or even branches set in your hierarchy.

  • Calculation Engine – This is an attribute of the Pricing Strategy where we have existing Calculation Engines, such as AnchorEngine, CompetitionEngine etc. All of them are listed in Calculation Engines. In other words, this is a name of the engine or a path where the custom engine implementation can be found.

  • For more details, see Strategy Definition parameter.

To define the new strategy:

  1. Find the Company Parameter StrategyDefinition andadd a new record to define a new strategy:

    • Set Strategy Name as TrainingCost+ (mandatory field).

    • Set Level to Parent (mandatory field).

    • Set Calculation Engine to a path to locate your method, i.e. set it to "libs.TrainingCalculationEngineLib.TrainingEngine.calculatePrice". This is the same pattern which is used in Groovy logic when you call a library method.
      Note that this is different from definitions of the out-of-the-box strategies.

  1. Find the Company Parameter PSP_EngineCalculationConfig and add a new record to define a new strategy implementation in Groovy library. For more details, see Engine Calculator Library

    • Set Engine Name as TrainingCost+ (mandatory field).

    • Set Calculation Engine Path to a path to locate your method, i.e. set it to "libs.TrainingCalculationEngineLib.TrainingEngine.calculatePrice". This is the same pattern which is used in Groovy logic when you call a library method.

    • Set Engine Calculation Parameters to parameters needed to calculate prices in your method.
