Configure Strategy
Review the article Configure Pricing Strategy for Pricing Level and Product Segment.
Add/modify records in that “*StrategySelection” table for a specific combination of the ProductSegment, for which you want to use Competition Based pricing strategy.
Select the MinCompetition, MaxCompetition or AvgCompetition strategy for specific Product Segment combination or on “star” level.
Set up the proper priority of your pricing strategy – as first, second, etc. for the Product Segment.
The out-of-the-box setup for those strategies is stored in Company Parameters MinCompetitionAdditionalConfig, AvgCompetitionAdditionalConfig and MaxCompetitionAdditionalConfig /wiki/spaces/ACCDEV/pages/2610266359, /wiki/spaces/ACCDEV/pages/2610266359 and /wiki/spaces/ACCDEV/pages/2610266359.
Recalculate the price list/grid, and verify that the strategy is used for products from the Product Segment.
Review the fields Competition Data and Price Selector for any errors.