Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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This section shows all routes configured for the selected IM instance.


  • For manual IM instances, the Name column is always blank and so it is hidden by default (for both manual and provisioned IMs). You can still display it using Table Settings and save it as a preference. The row menu works the from the second column too. 

  • For manual IM instances, the New Route button is disabled.

  • The standard case is that there is just one route in the definition file. But it is also possible to switch to the legacy mode and allow having multiple routes in the file (by setting the field isStandard to false). These so called non-standard routes cannot be edited by users at all (no local copy, delete or modify) as they are not compatible with PlatformManager UI.
    Non-standard routes are marked with an info icon, so that their status is immediately visible.

Instance Repository

This tab shows a list of already deployed routes. 
