Name:Lists the names of the various data download jobs. Each entry corresponds to a specific download task. Click the name to open the Available Files dialog - a table with a list of files created by the given download job.
Entity Type/Name: Shows the type and name of the entity associated with each download job. The entity type displays the type code of the table (e.g., P, CX), while the name provides the name of the specific table. See also https://pricefx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PMDEVPM/pages/17607885805457969257/Data+Upload#Supported-Entities.
Number of SFTP Users: This column indicates the number of SFTP users who have access to download the respective data. This helps track and manage user permissions.
Created at: This column provides the timestamp for when each download job was created, helping users keep track of the timeline of their data management tasks.
Created by: This column lists the email addresses of the users who created each download job. It helps in identifying the responsible parties for each task.
Downloaded at: This column indicates when the data was last downloaded, providing a log of the most recent activity for each download job.
Add User: Allows you to create a new SFTP user account. Clicking this button opens the “Add User” / “Edit User” dialog. See the Add User / Edit User section below.
Overview and Functionalities
SFTP Server Details:
Address: Displays the server address where the SFTP users will connect to access the files.
Port: The port number used for the SFTP connection.
User List:
Username: Lists the usernames of all SFTP accounts associated with the current partition.
Actions (3-Dots Menu):
Edit: Opens the Add User / Edit User dialog that allows you to change the SFTP user settings. See the Add User / Edit User section below.
Delete: Removes the corresponding SFTP user account. A confirmation dialog will be shown.