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To see this section, you need to have the Partition Event Orchestration - use permission.

This section consists of three two parts:

Table of Contents


Shows a list of existing workflows and their basic details. In the row menu (the three-dots menu) you have the options to edit or delete the workflow.


Workflows Table




Displays the name of each event workflow. You can search for workflows by entering text in the search box above the column.


Shows the source name of the single-source workflow type. The field is empty for the multi-source workflow type.


Provides a brief description of the workflow's purpose or function. You can search within this column for specific workflow descriptions.


Indicates whether the workflow is currently Enabled or Disabled.


You can toggle the status by switching the button on or off.

Last Run

Shows the date and time when the workflow was last executed. Users can search by date to find recent or older workflow runs.

Created At

Displays the date and time when the workflow was initially created.


Highlights any issues or warnings associated with the workflow.

Workflows and listeners affected by the deletion of source partitions or integrations are automatically disabled and the Invalid Links warning is displayed.

Created By

This field is hidden by default. Click the cog-wheel in the top-right corner > Fields Visibility in the Table and make the desired field visible.

Workflows_hiddenFields.pngImage Added

Last Modified At

This field is hidden by default. Click the cog-wheel in the top-right corner > Fields Visibility in the Table and make the desired field visible.

Last Modified By

This field is hidden by default. Click the cog-wheel in the top-right corner > Fields Visibility in the Table and make the desired field visible.

Workflows Three-Dots menu

For each workflow, additional actions can be accessed by selecting the three-dots menu ("...") on the right side of the workflow row.
The following actions are available:

  • Edit: Opens the Edit Event Workflow dialog, allowing you to modify the workflow's settings and details.

  • Show Definition: Opens the details of the Workflow, or Scheduler in read-only mode. In this mode, all toggles and fields are read-only, and there are no editing options. Instead of Save and Cancel buttons, a Back button is displayed. Users with edit permission (event_orchestration.edit) can see both options (Edit and Show Definition), while users with read-only permission ( can only see the Show Definition option.

  • Show Run History: Switches to the Logs table, where the entityType.keyword : "value" AND entityId : value query is searched to review a history of all executions of the specified workflow.

  • Make a Copy: Opens the Create a Copy dialog. Allows you to create a duplicate of the selected workflow with a new name (adds the "(copy)" suffix to the original name by default). You can enable or disable the copied workflow and replace sources/targets or other entities used within the workflow. The original source is displayed alongside the new source field, which can be modified as needed, the same for original target and new target for the multi-source workflow type. To finalize, click Create.

  • Delete Event Workflow: Opens the Delete event workflow dialog that allows you to permanently delete the workflow from the system after clicking the Delete button.


If the workflow is referenced in another workflow or scheduler, a dependency check will prevent its deletion. You will receive a notification if the workflow cannot be deleted.

Running Workflows

Shows a list of currently running workflows and detailed information about each, including its description, status, last run date/time, and creation date/time. In the row menu you have the options to manually stop the workflow or restart it from the last executed step (useful in case of a stuck workflow).






Lists all the workflows that are currently running.


Users can use the search box to filter specific workflows by name.



Provides a brief description of each running workflow.



Allows users to filter workflows based on their current status using a drop-down menu. Displays the status of each listener (step) – active, queued, or executed.

Last Run


Shows the date and time when the workflow was last executed. Users can


filter workflows


by specific run dates using the search box.

Created At


Displays the date and time when the workflow was initially created.


A search box is available to filter workflows by their creation date.