Title: The title of the selected strategy / 'data lookup' is displayed at the top and can be changed.
Version History: An option is available at the top right of the screen under the Version History button. Opens a table allowing you to review and revert to previous versions.
Status: Indicates the validation status of the current strategy or data lookup configuration (possible options: draft, active, superseded, saving, saved, valid, invalid).
Deploy button / Activate button: Use the Deploy button to change the selected strategy’s status from draft to active, or Activate button to change the selected data lookup’s status from drafta to active. This makes it available for use in active strategies/'data lookups'.
Duplicate button / Duplicate a draft button: Creates a copy of the selected strategy, or data lookup. The copy will be created as a draft allowing you to modify the strategy/'data lookup' separately.
Three-dots menu: Clicking three dots, the two options appear.
Delete: Deletes the selected strategy, or data lookup. A confirmation dialog is displayed.
Export: Allows you to export the selected, or all (a collection) strategies / 'data lookups' in the JSON format. The JSON can be downloaded as a file or copied to the clipboard.
Toolbox: Contains all the visual blocks you can drag into the workspace. Refer to the Strategy Toolbox (Strategy Designer) article for more details.
Workspace:Here you put the blocks together.