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The he article describes the Sales Insights Accelerator in , a component of the Pricefx conceptual architecture that provides comprehensive business analytics and dashboards to help users gain deeper visibility into their revenue, margin, and profitability performance. The accelerator offers various dashboards and capabilities, including revenue and margin analysis, outlier identification, margin leakage analysis, comparative performance insights, and customizable reporting.


LEARN MORE: To learn more about Sales Insights Accelerator, please view all of the learning paths available for this Accelerator by clicking here.


NOTE: For more detailed information on Sales Insights Accelerator, you can click here to access the complete set of pages on this Accelerator.

Key Points of Sales Insights Accelerator

  • The Sales Insights Accelerator provides advanced business intelligence and analytics capabilities to enable users to gain deeper visibility and insights into their sales, revenue, and profitability performance.

  • The Revenue and Margin Dashboard provides detailed breakdowns of revenue and margin by various dimensions, such as product, customer, region, or sales channel, and allows for trend analysis and drill-down capabilities.

  • The Margin Breakdown Dashboard complements the Revenue Breakdown Dashboard by providing a detailed view of the margin performance associated with revenue, including a margin waterfall chart to identify sources of margin erosion.

  • The Outliers Dashboard identifies the top performing and underperforming products and customers based on revenue or margin, enabling users to focus on areas with the greatest potential for improvement or growth.

  • The Regional Revenue and Margin Dashboard provides a geographic visualization of revenue and margin performance, allowing users to identify the most promising regions for growth and develop targeted strategies.

  • The Causality Dashboard utilizes advanced analytical techniques to uncover the key drivers and causal relationships influencing sales performance, enabling scenario analysis, optimization recommendations, and quantification of the impact of different factors.

  • The Waterfall Dashboard presents a step-by-step breakdown of the sales funnel, highlighting conversion rates, revenue and margin drivers, and potential "leakage points" to optimize the sales process.

  • The Waterfall Comparison Dashboard enables comparative analysis of the sales waterfall across different dimensions, such as product lines, customer segments, or time periods, to identify areas for improvement and inform strategic decision-making.

  • The Period-over-Period Comparison Dashboard allows users to analyze sales performance trends, identify variances, and understand the underlying factors contributing to changes in revenue, margin, and other key metrics over time

Purpose of Sales Insights Accelerator

The primary purpose of the Sales Insights Accelerator in the Pricefx conceptual architecture is to provide advanced business intelligence and analytics capabilities that enable users to gain deeper visibility and insights into their sales, revenue, and profitability performance.
