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The Sales Insights Accelerator in the Pricefx conceptual architecture provides comprehensive business analytics and dashboards to help users gain deeper visibility into their revenue, margin, and profitability performance.


LEARN MORE: To learn more about Sales Insights Accelerator, please view all of the learning paths available for this Accelerator by clicking here.


NOTE: For more detailed information on Sales Insights Accelerator, you can click here to access the complete set of pages on this Accelerator.


The primary purpose of the Sales Insights Accelerator in the Pricefx conceptual architecture is to provide advanced business intelligence and analytics capabilities that enable users to gain deeper visibility and insights into their sales, revenue, and profitability performance.



KEY INSIGHT: By understanding both revenue and margin dynamics, users can make more informed decisions to optimize pricing, sales, and profitability strategies, ultimately driving improved business outcomes.

Outliers Dashboard

The Outliers Dashboard is one of the dashboards available in the Sales Insights Accelerator. Identifies the top performing and underperforming products and customers based on revenue or margin and allows users to analyze the results by revenue or margin.

It enables users to drill down into a specific customer or product to analyze their performance in more detail.
The Outliers Dashboard helps businesses identify their best and worst performing products and customers, which can provide valuable insights for optimizing pricing, sales strategies, and resource allocation. By highlighting outliers, the dashboard allows users to focus on areas with the greatest potential for improvement or growth.

The key features and capabilities of the Outliers Dashboard include:

  • Identify Top and Low Performing Products and Customers, The dashboard allows you to identify the best and worst performing products and customers based on revenue or margin. This helps you focus on your high-potential and underperforming areas.

  • Drill-Down Functionality, you can drill down into a specific product or customer to analyze their performance in more detail. This provides deeper insights into the drivers of their performance.

  • Customizable Filters, dashboard can be customized using various filters, such as product, customer, time period, calculation model, KPI, and currency. This flexibility allows you to tailor the analysis to your specific needs and areas of focus.

  • Revenue and Margin Analysis, dashboard supports analyzing performance based on both revenue and margin. This provides a comprehensive view of your business performance.

  • Intuitive Visualization, dashboard presents the information in a clear and easy-to-understand visual format. This helps you quickly identify and interpret the key insights.

  • Actionable Insights, dashboard highlights the top and low performing areas, enabling you to take targeted actions to optimize your pricing and sales strategies.


KEY INSIGHT: Provides a customizable view, allowing users to filter by product, customer, time period, calculation model, KPI, and currency. The customizable nature of the dashboard allows users to tailor the analysis to their specific needs and areas of focus, making it a versatile tool for understanding and acting on pricing and sales performance.

Regional Revenue and Margin Dashboard

he Regional Revenue and Margin Dashboard is another dashboard available within the Pricefx Sales Insights Accelerator. By leveraging the Regional Revenue and Margin Dashboard, you can identify the most promising regions for growth, understand the drivers of their performance, and develop targeted strategies to capitalize on these opportunities and expand your business.

Here's an explanation of its key features and capabilities of Regional Revenue and Margin Dashboard:

  • Geographic Visualization, dashboard provides a visual representation of your revenue and margin performance across different geographic regions. It typically displays a map or a geographic layout, allowing you to quickly identify high and low performing regions.

  • Revenue and Margin Analysis, dashboard allows you to analyze both revenue and margin performance across the different regions. This provides a comprehensive understanding of your business performance and profitability in each location.

  • Drill-Down Functionality, you can drill down into specific regions to get more detailed insights into the drivers of their performance. This enables you to understand the underlying factors contributing to the revenue and margin results in each area.

  • Customizable Filters, dashboard can be customized using various filters, such as time period, product, customer, and currency. This flexibility allows you to focus your analysis on specific areas of interest or concern.

  • Trend Analysis, dashboard may include trend lines or charts that show the revenue and margin performance over time. This helps you identify patterns, growth trends, or potential issues in different regions.

  • Benchmarking and Comparisons, dashboard can be used to compare the performance of different regions, enabling you to identify best practices and areas for improvement.

  • Actionable Insights, insights provided by the Regional Revenue and Margin Dashboard can help you make informed decisions about resource allocation, pricing strategies, and expansion plans across different geographic markets.


KEY INSIGHT: By leveraging this dashboard, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your regional performance, identify growth opportunities, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your business operations and profitability across different locations.