Versions Compared


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Groovy API: Inconsistency between createParameter and addParameter in inputBuilderFactory(). Value is missing when when createParameter is used.


Remove redundant radio buttons in the Data Load > Target table. Fix: Radio buttons removed except for sources of Calculation and Flush types and target of Calculation type.


When a user opens assign account modal with already filled account, selected account is not visible.


Salesforce / SugarCRM integration: Keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V are not supported in iframe.


Claims export shows user ID rather than name for created by and last update by.


External Reference: Type more than 255 characters error will occur (missing validator).


Dashboard: Missing series label in the Filter when adding a chart with no series label to dashboard.


Charts: Aggregation filter should show Waterfall element’s name when there is no Waterfall element’s label.


On Calculation Data Load details page in the list of logics displayed in Logic / Formula section, the logic names are displayed instead of their labels.


Quotes, Agreements/Promotions, Rebate Agreements, Compensation Plans: Attachment file with a semicolon in its name has rest of its name cropped.


Templates for Data Source not showing Company Parameter tables without attribute meta data.


Groovy API: setPaSearchable() is not implemented in Unity.


There are missing labels in case of Multi-Tier input when looking into this input from table view of items on Quote or Agreement/Promotion.


Data Source: Sync Meta Data removes the Function column values from the Data Source. Fix: The backend was not respecting the business keys of extensions (PX/CX) on Sync Meta Data. The solution is to add business keys as field keys in the case of DataSource based on extensions.


Uncaught exception when submitting a Quote with a line item that has an empty required field.


Rebate Record Calculation task: Not possible to force data saving for Critical Alert causes, cannot do the same action like manually triggered save. Fixed the evaluation of calculation process in calculation jobs (RR, COR, CO).


API for ProductGroup/CustomerGroup completely ignores 'filterFormulaName' as well as user defined filter.


Model Class: Recalculating a job in "calculations tracking" page while having unsaved changes discards them.


Calling api.getCalculableLineItemCollection from sandbox api erases inputs on line items.


The checkIn event sent to PlatformManager contains `unknown` location for some clusters. The reason is that the location is computed from a site-local IP address. Fix: Now the location is computed from the global IP address.


Custom Forms Header logic: Output restriction by user group doesn't work. Fix: CFO's outputs restriction (through the session's read only with the outputs modification in the response) added for the following endpoints: Fetch, Search, Recalculate, Update, Add, Submit, Duplicate.


Context Linking: targetPageEntityType short version (tpEntityType) is not working for Rebate Agreements a Compensation Plans.


Error when adding multiple UserGroups in Dashboard Admin due to exceeding the 255 char limit. Fix: On PostgreSQL all `userGroup` entitlement DB fields can now store an unlimited number of characters.


Autosave off - Temporary data are not deleted in case of Discard. Fix: A background job added (running daily) which deletes ContractTmp/QuoteTmp record if lastUpdateDate < now - 30 days or if persistedClicId value does not exist as CLIC object id or persistedClicVersion is lower than CLIC object version.


The JSON lookup table values are not hard deleted and this causes issues during the import of values to the table.


Autosave off - error with recommended products. Fix: Added support of Recommended items for QuoteTmp.


Recommended products picker in Quotes - Missing translation for new Category Name.


loaddata/CX creates not optimal query for PGOP. Fix: loaddata now ignores nulls in attribute fields of the join fields if there are no nulls for them in the loaded data. Both on MariaDB and Postgres even though the performance improvement is really visible on Postgres.


When you create a new Seller in Seller Extensions and press Enter while being in the required numeric field formatted as percentage, runtime error occurs and crashes the app.


OTel: Missing query parameter in REST endpoint traces.


Custom Forms: Form Type column filtering has been disabled on Custom Form Types page because it is confusing to use.


Custom Forms: Impossible to recalculate when there is no input in CFO detail.


Quotes: Gauge column sorting in line item view does not work properly.


Live Price Grids: Mass Action dialog and date handling failure.


A Newer version exists when a Calculation Schedule is updated after a related JST is finished. Fix: JST in Calculation page will refresh every 2 minutes, Schedule will refresh if JST table has any new records to avoid ‘new version conflicts’ when editing Schedule row.


Quotes: Memory leak caused by non-unique line item IDs when filtering line items for deletion in header logic.


Truncate Data Load: Error is displayed after clicking the warning icon at Incremental field.


Header logic reset configurator data on Agreements & Promotions if the bottom docker is enabled.


User gets "Access denied" when PX/CX/SX is restricted by UG (View Details). Fix: Fetching PX/CX/SX is allowed when userGroupEdit is null.


Customer/product group picker doesn't display matching results while valid filter is selected. Fix: Preference in ProductGroup input could sometimes prevent loading a product which is fixed now.


CLIC modules: Blank UI labels when there is no translation in the user language.


CLIC modules: Error when autosave is off and a document is submitted asynchronously.


ResultMatrix.BackEndAction is not shown in Action detail. Fix: Backend actions defined in Groovy for ResultMatrix can be used everywhere.


Investigate for support user role cannot delete event log in Unity, unlike Classic UI. Fix: Investigate for Support role can modify or delete records in Events Log. Administer Users role by itself do not have access to Events Log and it cannot modify events if some other role just allow the access.


Analytics - Inconsistent behavior loading data into Data Source.


Context Linking is not working with autosave off & Save & Recalculate immediately.


Context Linking: Error when autosave is off and asynchronous submit is done via context linking.


Pricefx Waterfall timing out with advanced filtering. Fix: Pagination for table of pasted values in Advanced Filter has been added.


Calculation Flow: Non-periodic job (non-draft) is deleted after "Run Now" and the shows as finished with error. Fix: The deployed Calculation Flow is not removed after being started manually.


In the ‘pricefx-config.xml' file, the configuration property 'binaryDataService.maxPartitionBinariesSize’ has been removed as it was not anymore making sense regarding our current infrastructure.


It is necessary to reload folders when folder line item is updated from Context Linking. Fix: Fixed the problem with not updated inputs at folder line items.


UI crash when input columnValueOptions in InputMatrix contain null values.


Concurrency issue in Apache Commons FileUtils.listFiles() causes PA Distributed Calculation DL to fail when loading results into PostgreSQL.


File upload exceeds its maximum permitted size of -589934592 bytes.


Backend sometimes fails to reconnect after a PA DB restart.


Wrong percentile values in query statistics and BoxPlots.


Quoting: Clicking the 'Copy all items to clipboard' button throws an error.


“Expiry Date cannot be before Effective Date“ error message is shown after create a copy of quote from an expired quote and recalculate.


ResultPAQuery is not displayed correctly in Action Item's details view.


User with Manage Data Change Requests user role cannot access Data Change Request workflow.


api.find and other Search fails with Filter.equal("name", 123) of meta-attributed entities. Fix: Reverted to the behaviour in 11 where (and other attributed entities field that are not named attributeX) is not considered specially, contrary to attributeX fields. The feature flag enableAllAttributedFieldCastForNumericFilterInFindAndFetch must be explicitly set to false.


UI language is using locale language at some places.


Data Change Request form column label issue. Fix: Company-parameters-column metadata contains labelTranslations property saved as an object. But previously it used only string values (stringified JSON). So parsing of metadata in Unity supported only these string values. Now it parses also object.


Condition Records: Creating multiple items in one run results in one CRCI only. Fix: There will be condition record for every currentItem.sku.


SSO user unable to login due to apostrophe/single quote in name. Fix: The value of the filter is properly escaped in Search.addFilterEqualIgnoreCase (only used in SAML authentication).


Unable to login after upgrade to Rampur 13 (and from localhost). Fix: The backend sent a cookie with Max-Age=0 to remove the cookie from a browser but without the `Partitioned` param. In this case, the browser did not remove the cookie because it considered it a different one.


Quoting: When opening a quote and navigating to the Items field, some folders are not shown during the initial alphabetical sort. Fix: Limit of folder which are loaded at CLIC objects was increased to 200.


Unable to refresh nor deploy Datamart with calculated foreign key. Fix: In Rampur 13.0, using a calculated field to join tables, which was never officially supported, no longer works. The recommended workaround is to create a Data Load to store the key in the Datamart, with an additional option available through Pricefx staff.


Analytics: A warning dialog about deleting all data is displayed after modifying Data Source key fields. Fix: In 13.0 the dialog is no longer displayed as the backend will not delete any data when the original key fields are left unchanged, but an additional one is added to the key definition. The backend will not allow removing a key field (if the DS is not empty) and will display a validation error.


Input Matrix: Help tooltip is not displayed.


Exception when exporting DS sorted by ‘id’. Fix: Now projecting 'id' in SQL generation (Session class) when 'id' is included in the query sort clause.


Product/Supplier Group input doesn't work for filter inputs on Dashboards.


Quoting: One additional click needed to move an item from one folder to another. Fix: By default the root folder is now expanded and if the selected line item is deeper in the tree structure, the parent of the line item is expanded too.


Percent input - random numbers generated after decimal point.


The “fr-fr” locale causes user entries on quotes to “skip digits”.


Condition Record creation failing with org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not execute statement.


Inconsistent behaviour of api.find with attribute labels and "" field. Fix by reverting back to the initial behavior of 12.1.


DatamartContext.streamQuery() and .streamSqlQuery() may block for full timeout duration if repeatedly used without consuming all result rows().


Rebate Record Groups are locked after mass submit. Fix: All relevant Rebate Records and Rebate Record Groups will be unlocked when mass submit job finishes.


Signature status is not updated from status Delivered to Completed (case listing -> detail).


Rebates: UI error after item on Rebate Agreement is selected.


api.find Filter.greaterThan("key1", 123) and similar does not work anymore for numeric name/keyX. Fix: A new feature flag enableAllAttributedFieldCastForNumericFilterInFindAndFetch ensures correct filtering behavior for numeric meta-attributed fields. By turning it off, users can revert to behavior as in version 11.x.


Unsupported type org.hibernate.type.LocalDateTimeType with on PostgreSQL.


Data Load executed for each feeder item is not working correctly. Fix: init/summary was not run for an item emitted with api.emitPersistedObject() and api.currentItem() was also not set for such an item.

