In this section you will learn more about Customs Forms.
Estimated Time to complete: TBD
Requirements & Solution Author: Petr Rys
Product Discount Data Management Custom Form allows user to perform these tasks:
new rows.
Add new Product Group
and assign all the required discounts for
different levels. It is important that the discount for each additional level
is greater than or equal to the discount for the previous level; otherwise,
the validation process will fail.
Add a product family
→ reassign product groups to reflect
a new product family.
Add new discount level to existing product family
→ create new discount levels
for an existing product family. The levels must be continuous
at 0 Min Revenue. Each additional level
must have a minimum revenue greater than or equal to the previous
level. Users can assign new discounts for these new levels
, ensuring that the discount for each additional level
is greater than or equal to the discount for the previous level; otherwise,
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the Lab, you should be able to:
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title | Dive Deeper: Check out a step by step flow of the sample solution video below |
To create a standalone custom form, go to the main menu. Locate the 9 dots icon in the left upper corner of application. Click to open the drop down. Go to Analytics > Product Discount Manager. In the new dialogue window, click on Create New Product Discount Manager icon in the top right corner. Fill in the label then click on the blue Add icon in the bottom right corner of the window.
Panel |
| You will get a confirmation message in green that the form has been added successfully.
In the following window, under Inputs, select the management option from the drop down menu. Depending on your choice, continue filling out the remaining fields. To assign new products, click on the box and choose where you want to assign from the drop-down menu. Click on Add in the bottom left corner to add discount levels if applicable.
Note that you may have to check what values are assigned to each level. To avoid missing out any fields, the system displays warning icons which disappear once the field has been filled out.
You can add as many discount levels as you need. Check out our documentation to learn more about discounts.
Click on Recalculate in the upper right corner. To see a more detailed view of the Calculations, use the arrow on the right side next to the reload icon to open the calculations window. Click on Show to learn more. To close the dialogue window click on X in the top right corner. Click Submit in blue in the upper right corner to send your form for approval. A confirmation message in green will appear at the top center of the window. In the Workflow tab, if you have enough rights for the operation, you can approve the form by clicking on the green checkmark icon. You can also add a reason for both approvals or rejections. Add your reason, then click Submit. You will get another confirmation message.
If you go to Company Parameters by clicking the third icon from the left in the top right corner, under Categories> Custom Form, you can check your newly created form.