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The following actions are available:

Add a New Manual Price List 

  • Enter a Name, Valid After date and Status.

    1. Add products to the MPL and click Select. This will create a new Manual Price List (MPL).

    2. On the MPL list page, you can:

      • Specify a Simulation Set for MPLs of Simulation type.

      • Restrict the access to MPLs to certain user groups by setting a value in the 'User Group (Edit)' and 'User Group (View Details)' columns.

      • Link the MPLs to a Calculated Field Set and automatically calculate fields in the MPL.

Edit a Manual Price List

  • Add products by selection or using the simple or advanced filter.

    • The price can be set manually. Multiple columns can be used to indicate multiple prices or other attributes.

    • You can review the details of each product in the list.

    • To edit or delete all products in a (filtered) view, click the Mass Edit / Mass Delete button (for details see Mass Edit).

    • You can move an MPL to a different Categories folder.

  • Assign a Manual Price List to customer – This is done in the same way as in Price.

  • Calculate a Manual Price List that contains columns calculated by a logic. Available only if there is a Calculated Field Set selected in the CFS Link column.

  • Export the list of MPLs to Excel.
