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This section contains information about QA on projects delivered by our Partners. It should help our Partners to understand importance of QA on projects and help our customers to understand it too. Most important topics which should be discussed with customers should be:

  • testing during development

  • using test management tool

  • preparation for UAT phase

  • UAT testing

  • possible benefits of test automation



Section Contents




QA role description and expectations




QA hiring and onboarding tips




Beginning of the project




Test management for Partners




Test automation overview for Partners




The main topics discussed in the partner guidance section are QA role description, QA project guidance, test management guidance, test automation for partners, and UAT tips for partners.

Partners should emphasize key discussion topics with customers, such as testing during development, utilizing test management tools, preparing for the UAT (User Acceptance Testing) phase, conducting UAT testing, and the potential advantages of test automation.

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Most important topics which should be discussed with customers should be:

  • Testing during development refers to the practice of conducting testing activities throughout the software development process to identify and address defects early on.

  • A test management tool is a software application used to manage and organize testing efforts, including test planning, execution, and reporting.

  • UAT (User Acceptance Testing) is the final phase of software testing in which the system is tested by the end users to ensure that it meets their requirements and is ready for production deployment.

  • Test automation involves using specialized software tools to execute tests and compare actual outcomes with expected outcomes. The benefits of test automation include improved efficiency, repeatability, and coverage of testing activities.