This page describes full installation from scratch - it will install everything you will need including the testing project. No previous knowledge or configuration is required. The following steps were done on Mac, but there should be no major difference with Windows.
To run Cypress for the first time, we need to install this:
There are other possibilities, but to make the first steps easier we expect the same installation for everybody.
Note that Safari or IE are not supported
Another option is Mozilla Firefox
Cypress.io can be used on Windows and on Mac, so just install Chrome for your platform
Run Chrome, search for “node js“
Open nodejs.org and download the last stable version
Install the downloaded version - use all default settings, no changes are needed
Run Chrome, search for “git“
Open git-scm.com and download the last stable version
Install the downloaded version - use all default settings, no changes are needed
Visual Studio Code
Run Chrome, search for “Visual Studio Code“
Download the last stable version
Install the downloaded version - use all default settings, no changes are needed
Create an icon on your desktop