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At this level, the focus is on capturing the fundamental ideas and principles that underpin the domain of knowledge being represented. This includes defining key concepts, establishing semantic relationships, and creating a framework for organizing and accessing information within the knowledge base. In essence, the conceptual level sets the stage for more detailed and specific knowledge representation and retrieval.

Impact on GenAI

It refers to a higher abstraction or representation of knowledge and understanding within the model. At this level, the AI system interprets information in a more abstract and generalized manner, allowing it to capture overarching concepts, relationships, and patterns in the data it has been trained upon.


  • Concepts, providing information on high-level conceptual topics using a “what is…” scenario

  • Roles, seeking information on specific types of roles (ie. price analysts, developers, etc) and their interaction with Pricefx

  • Capabilities, searching for responses on the overall capabilities of the Pricefx solutions or products and its ability to perform certain functions.

  • Platform, provide information on the variety of platforms

  • Product, searching for information on the variety of products from Pricefx and their abilities and functions

  • Journey, seeking information about specific types of journeys (ie. customer, partner, business user, etc.) and the steps involved to achieve certain goals.

GenAI Prompt Examples

Below are some examples of GenAI prompts that are operating at this Conceptual level of contextual understanding:



This conceptual prompt asks the GenAI chatbot to provide the journey involved in the development of a pricing solution. The response might look like this:

To create a pricing solution, consider the following steps:

  1. Understand the business objectives and goals: Identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) and success metrics for your organization. This will help you determine the purpose and scope of your pricing solution.

  2. Analyze market conditions: Research your competitors, target audience, and industry trends to determine the optimal pricing strategy. This may involve analyzing market share, customer segmentation, and price sensitivity.

  3. Develop a pricing strategy: Based on your analysis, create a pricing strategy that aligns with your business objectives and market conditions. This may involve setting price points, discounts, or other pricing tactics.

  4. Define the product/service catalog: Create a list of products or services offered, including their features, attributes, and price points.

  5. Set up pricing logic: Define the pricing rules and calculations for each product or service, including any discounts, price tiers, or volume discounts.

  6. Integrate with other systems: Incorporate your pricing solution with other business systems, such as CRM, ERP, or e-commerce platforms, to ensure seamless data flow and accuracy.

  7. Test and refine: Test your pricing solution with a pilot group and refine as necessary based on feedback and performance metrics.

  8. Train and communicate: Provide training and support to your team, including sales, marketing, and customer service, to ensure a successful rollout and ongoing management of your pricing solution.

By following these steps, you can create a comprehensive pricing solution that aligns with your business objectives, market conditions, and customer needs.


Conceptual Prompt: "What are the primary benefits of a Pricefx pricing solution"


This conceptual prompt asks the GenAI chatbot to provide a list of benefits that a pricing solution provides to a customer. The response might look like this:

Pricefx is a cloud-based pricing management system that provides a full-stack solution for companies to manage their pricing strategies, quoting, and analytics. Some of the primary benefits of using Pricefx include:

  1. Centralized Price Management: Pricefx offers a centralized place for companies to manage all their prices, enabling them to quickly and consistently update prices across all channels and regions.

  2. Customizable Business Logic: With Pricefx, companies can customize the behavior of the application to fit their unique needs, ensuring that their pricing strategies are tailored to their specific business requirements.

  3. Integration with External Systems: Pricefx provides seamless integration with external systems, enabling companies to import and export data, and automate their pricing processes.

  4. Insights and Analytics: Pricefx offers powerful dashboards and tools for querying and visualizing transactional data, providing companies with valuable insights into their pricing patterns and helping them optimize their pricing strategies.

  5. Sales Support: Pricefx assists sales representatives in adhering to set pricing strategies, providing them with real-time feedback on quotes and enabling them to make informed decisions.

Overall, the primary benefits of Pricefx pricing solution are centralized price management, customizable business logic, integration with external systems, insights and analytics, and sales support. Is there anything else you'd like to know about Pricefx?


Conceptual Prompt: "What is Price Setting."


This conceptual prompt asks the GenAI chatbot to provide a comprehensive defintion of Price Setting and its significance in relation to Pricefx. The response might look like this:

Price Setting is a module within the Pricefx platform that allows users to define, simulate, and calculate prices for their products. It provides a user-friendly interface for creating and managing price lists and live price grids, as well as for setting up price policies and guidelines.

With Price Setting, users can create an unlimited number of calculation and simulation logics based on cost, market, competition, product attributes, value perception, and other factors. This allows for dynamic and customized price calculations and simulations, as well as algorithmic optimization.

To use Price Setting, users can select from a variety of pre-built template types, such as price lists and live price grids, or they can create their own custom types. The module also includes features such as calculation inputs, charts, and calculation results, as well as the ability to save and recalculate price lists and live price grids.

Overall, Price Setting is a powerful and flexible tool for managing and optimizing prices within the Pricefx platform.


Conceptual Prompt: "How do i get certified as a Configuration Engineer"


This conceptual prompt asks the GenAI chatbot to provide an understanding of how to become certified as a Configuration Engineer. The response might look like this:

To become certified as a Configuration Engineer, you'll need to complete the Configuration Engineer Learning Path, which includes several steps:

  1. Introduction and enrollment: You'll be introduced to the training team and enroll in the learning path.

  2. Mandatory prerequisites: You'll complete pre-qualification assignments and mandatory prerequisites such as business user self-study and administrative user self-study.

  3. ILT Preparation Session: You'll attend a preparation session with the trainer to ensure you've completed the mandatory prerequisites and have the technical setup ready for the 5-day class.

  4. Configuration Engineer ILT Training: You'll attend the 5-day class, where you'll learn from the trainer and be evaluated on your understanding and participation.

  5. Sandbox Project: After completing the class, you'll work on a sandbox project to demonstrate your skills.

  6. Final Project: You'll work on a final project to demonstrate your ability to apply new skills in your solution code.

  7. Certification Exam Readiness Meeting: The interviewer will review your preparation steps, exam prerequisites, and setup requirements.

  8. Certification Exam: You'll take the certification exam, which involves a coding challenge and an interview challenge.

To get started, you'll need to have professional programming experience with at least two years of object-oriented programming (Java), solution development, problem-solving, testing, and trouble-shooting skills, and a good understanding of data structures, algorithmizing, and coding skills. You'll also need to have experience with databases and data, ideally SQL, and be familiar with IDE (IntelliJ Idea or other) and GIT (feature branches, checkout, push, commit, rebase, amend, merge, stash). Additionally, you'll need to have good spoken and written English and the ability to communicate and express your thoughts confidently.

The total time investment for the onboarding and learning process is approximately 80+ hours over seven weeks.

Conceptual Prompt: "What is a Live Price Grid."


This conceptual prompt asks the GenAI chatbot to provide a comprehensive defintion within Pricefx understanding of a Live Price Grid. The response might look like this:

A Live Price Grid (LPG) is a document in the Pricefx platform that contains product prices that can be recalculated on a regular basis. It's used when you need to handle a large number of products with rapidly changing prices, such as in an e-shop.

The LPG has a header that contains information about the document, including the ID, target date, and approval state. It also has line items that specify information for each SKU, such as the result price, active price, previous price, and currency. The line items are "reused" multiple times, and there are three generations of prices (latest draft, current/active, and previous) stored inside the item.

LPGs are different from Price Lists in that they are recalculated more frequently, such as daily or event-based, and they keep a history of the last two approved prices. The frequency of price changes can be set to periodical, such as every night, or event-based, such as after a certain supplier changed prices.