Versions Compared


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titleTable of Contents
Table of Contents

This installation tutorial will guide you though an installation and initial configuration steps of CPQ Accelerator version 2.0.2.


Before you start, ensure that you have:

  • Common accelerator installation pre-requisites

  • Mandatory data for CPQ Accelerator

    • Master data for basic functionality of the accelerator

      • Tables

        • Products

        • Customers

        • Product Costs

        • Product prices – List prices can come either from a price list or from Product Extension tables. You can have the prices stores in a combination of 1 up to 4 tables – Customer Level Price, Segment Level Price, Country Level Price and Region Level Price. If you need to keep price data without distinction, you can place them e.g. into Region Level Price and keep the Region field empty.

      • These tables can be defined and data uploaded to the partition before or during or after installation.

      • If you plan to upload the CSV files during installation, you can find samples of CSV headers in the description od the installation steps below.

      • If you create some tables manually, then:

        • Make sure you created them with proper names and data structure.

        • You can do the configuration using the CPQ wizard after installation.

    • Historical Data – The assumption is that you already have the historical sales transactions uploaded in a Datamart.

  • Optional data

    • Review the installation steps which other data can be uploaded already during installation process. You can skip their upload, if you do not use them in your pricing process. You can also add and configure them later.

Installation Steps

Initial Step

  1. In Platform Manager, navigate to Marketplace  Accelerator Packages.

  2. Find the CPQ Accelerator.

  3. Click Detail and select your partition and version (e.g. 2.0.2) you want to install.

  4. Click Deploy.

  5. You will see a warning about possible risks. If you agree, go ahead.


The installation will override previous data tables with the same names as installed by the CPQ Accelerator and also previous settings.

Product Master

You can upload the Product Master data during the installation process if you want. If you already have them on the partition or plan to do it later, you can skip the step.

If you want to upload now, click Continue and you will be prompted to supply a CSV file with data in the format shown below. It shows only the mandatory fields, but your dataset can have also many other fields (e.g. Currency, Validity, etc.).

Code Block
Product Id,Product Name

The data will be uploaded to the table Products.

Customer Master

You can upload the Customer Master data during the installation process if you want. If you already have them on the partition or plan to do it later, you can skip the step.

If you want to upload now, click Continue and you will be prompted to supply a CSV file with data in the format shown below. It shows only the mandatory fields, but your dataset can have also many other fields (e.g. Currency, Validity, etc.).

Code Block
Customer Id,Customer Name

The data will be uploaded to the table Customers.

Product Costs

You can upload the Product Costs data during the installation process if you want. If you already have them on the partition or plan to do it later, you can skip the step.

If you want to upload now, click Continue and you will be prompted to supply a CSV file with data in the format shown below. It shows only the mandatory fields, but your dataset can have also many other fields (e.g. Currency, Validity, etc.).

Code Block
Product Id,Cost

The data will be uploaded to the Product Extension table ProductCosts.

Customer Level Price

You can upload the Customer Level Price data during the installation process if you want. If you already have them on the partition or plan to do it later, you can skip the step.

If you want to upload now, click Continue and you will be prompted to supply a CSV file with data in the format shown below. It shows only the mandatory fields, but your dataset can have also many other fields (e.g. Currency, Validity, etc.).

Code Block
Product Id,CustomerId,Price

The data will be uploaded to the Product Extension table PriceByCustomer.

Country Level Price

You can upload the Country Level Price data during the installation process if you want. If you already have them on the partition or plan to do it later, you can skip the step.

If you want to upload now, click Continue and you will be prompted to supply a CSV file with data in the format shown below. It shows only the mandatory fields, but your dataset can have also many other fields (e.g. Currency, Validity, etc.).

Code Block
Product Id,Country,Price

The data will be uploaded to the Product Extension table PriceByCountry.

Region Level Price

You can upload the Region Level Price data during the installation process if you want. If you already have them on the partition or plan to do it later, you can skip the step.

If you want to upload now, click Continue and you will be prompted to supply a CSV file with data in the format shown below. It shows only the mandatory fields, but your dataset can have also many other fields (e.g. Currency, Validity, etc.).

Code Block
Product Id,Region,Price

The data will be uploaded to the Product Extension table PriceByRegion.

Price Guidance

You can upload the Price Guidance data during the installation process if you want. If you already have them on the partition or plan to do it later, you can skip the step.

If you want to upload now, click Continue and you will be prompted to supply a CSV file with data in the format shown below. It shows only the mandatory fields, but your dataset can have also many other fields (e.g. Currency, Validity, etc.).

Code Block
Product Id,Target Price,Floor Price,Stretch Price

The data will be uploaded to the Product Extension table PriceGuidance.

Customer Cash Discount

You can upload the Customer Cash Discount data during the installation process if you want. If you already have them on the partition or plan to do it later, you can skip the step.

If you want to upload now, click Continue and you will be prompted to supply a CSV file with data in the format shown below. It shows only the mandatory fields, but your dataset can have also many other fields (e.g. Currency, Validity, etc.).

Code Block
Customer Id,Discount %

The data will be uploaded to the Customer Extension table CustomerCashDiscount.

Competitor Data

You can upload the Competitor Data data during the installation process if you want. If you already have them on the partition or plan to do it later, you can skip the step.

If you want to upload now, click Continue and you will be prompted to supply a CSV file with data in the format shown below. It shows only the mandatory fields, but your dataset can have also many other fields (e.g. Currency, Validity, etc.).

Code Block
Product Id,Competitor,Price

The data will be uploaded to the master data table Competition Data.

Standard Discount

You can upload the Standard Discount data during the installation process if you want. If you already have them on the partition or plan to do it later, you can skip the step.

If you want to upload now, click Continue and you will be prompted to supply a CSV file with data in the format shown below. It shows only the mandatory fields, but your dataset can have also many other fields (e.g. Currency, Validity, etc.).

Code Block
Discount,Discount Value Type

The data will be uploaded to the Customer Parameter table CPQStandardDiscount.

Exception Discount

You can upload the Exception Discount data during the installation process if you want. If you already have them on the partition or plan to do it later, you can skip the step.

If you want to upload now, click Continue and you will be prompted to supply a CSV file with data in the format shown below. It shows only the mandatory fields, but your dataset can have also many other fields (e.g. Currency, Validity, etc.).

Code Block
Discount,Discount Value Type

The data will be uploaded to the Customer Parameter table CPQExceptionDiscount.

Historical Data

Provides information about in which Datamart you store your historical sales transactions.

Even though it is possible to skip mapping of the historical data, the default accelerator configuration contains a reference to a Datamart with certain pre-configured name, so if you do not provide your Datamart, you will get errors when calculating a quote.

historical data setting

The above settings will be stored in the Company Parameter CPQConfiguration (see Historical Data Configuration for details).

Generic Configuration

generic configuration settings

The above settings will be stored in the Company Parameter CPQConfiguration; for details see:

Explanation of the settings:

  • Price lookup priorityOrder in which the prices will be searched.

  • Customer Segment Attribute – Which attribute in the Customers data represents the segment. It will be used to look up prices by segments.

  • Customer Country Attribute – Which attribute in the Customers data represents the country. It will be used to look up prices by country.

  • Customer Region Attribute – Which attribute in the Customers data represents the region. It will be used to look up prices by region.

  • Customer Currency Attribute – Which attribute in the Customers data represents the currency.

  • Default Currency – Whenever it is not possible to find currency in the data, this currency will be used.

  • Price Input (show/hide) – If the Sales Representative should be able to set the required product price on the quote line item during negotiation.

  • Discount % Input (show/hide) – If the Sales Representative should be able to set the required discount % on the quote line item during negotiation.

  • Input Priority – Price / Discount% – If both previous inputs are available on the quote line item and the sales rep enters both, which one should be used. This is stored in the configuration option priceVsDiscountPctInputPriority.

  • Rebate Calculation Plan – N/A / forecast / current

Additional Deployment

Image RemovedImage Added
  • Approval Workflow Support – When selected, Approval Workflow Accelerator will be installed too. For a list of deployed components, see Architecture of the Approval Workflow.
    ⚠️ This will override any previous setting of approval workflow.

  • Publishing Template – When selected, DOCX template for Quotes will be installed too. Then users can export quotes to DOCX or PDF. The name of the template is MS Word template.
    ⚠️ This action will override any previous quote publishing template with the same name.

Post-Installation Steps

Set up Quotes Calculation

  1. Navigate to Administration  Configuration  Quoting  Quoting General Setting.

  2. Set Create Quote Option to Calculate new Quote immediately.

Prepare your own configuration files

If you plan to use the same setting for all types of quotes, then you can skip this step. But if you want to have specific settings for various quote types, follow the steps below. If you want to get more details about the relations of the tables, see Configuration per Quote Type.


We suggest keeping the naming patterns as mentioned below, just replace the text MyOwn with text which describes well your type of quote. Keep the name in camel-case and without spaces.

  • In the Quote Types section, find an unused attribute field, and rename it: set the name to "configurationEntry", with the label "Configuration Entry".

  • Create a new Quote Type named "MyOwnQuoteType".

    • As Pricing Logic select CPQ Logic.

    • As Header Logic select CPQ Header Logic v2.0.

    • In Configuration Entry put "CPQ_MyOwn_Configuration_Entry".

  • Make a copy of the Company Parameter CPQConfiguration.

    • Rename the copy to "CPQ_MyOwn_Configuration".

    • Set its Valid After date to 2018-01-01.

    • Set its Status to Active.

  • Make a copy of the Company Parameter CPQ_Default_Configuration_Entry.

    • Rename the copy to "CPQ_MyOwn_Configuration_Entry".

    • Set its Valid After date to 2018-01-01.

    • Set its Status to Active.

  • In the Company Parameter CPQ_MyOwn_Configuration_Entry change the value of the key Configurations from CPQConfiguration to CPQ_MyOwn_Configuration_Entry.

Set up Approval Workflow

If you deployed support for approval workflow, you need to do its setup. For details see Approval Workflow configuration tables.