Versions Compared


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  • Create and modify new custom pricing strategies

    • Use pre-defined variables, product attributes and custom lookups in arithmetic and logical blocks

    • Create reusable lookup blocks for standard Pricefx master data like Product Extension, Company Parameters and Competition data.

    • Create a new custom pricing strategy based on a pre-defined template (Cost+ Percentage/Absolute) or a completely customized one

  • Live preview of product’s calculated price

    • Show all calculated elements and variables which contribute to the total price (ie. custom lookups, pre-defined variables,etc)

    • Recalculate in real-time

  • Multiple strategy selections are possible (ie. Add, modification and deletion)

  • Ability to save your pricing strategy configurations to partition

    • Save pricing rules into Company Parameter tables

    • Deploy generated Groovy library

  • Load configuration from partition


The use of Strategy Workflow Designer and pricing workflow configuration is performed in three steps:


Here the user can design his pricing workflow strategy using a drag & drop interface leveraging visual framework while seeing the impact of the changes in the Live Preview.

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nameV_Williamson Verification of employment.pdf

visual preview.


Design Features:

  • Create, rename and delete a strategyworkflow

    • Create a strategy from a template (Cost+ Absolute/Percentage/Selling PointQuote, Pricelist, Rebate, etc. )

    • Create a completely custom strategy

  • Modify workflow strategies

    • Add product attributes

    • Add PSP’s default variables (Product Cost, Base Price, …)

    • Add logic (when-then-else, and/or blocks, comparison block)

    • Add values (text, number, true/false)

    • Add arithmetic operations (+, -, ×, ÷)

    • Add custom lookups

  • Define and manage custom lookups

    • Based on a product extension (similar to PXLookup function in formula language)

    • Based on a price parameter (similar to VLookup)

    • Based on competition data

      • Add filters using comparison of the data row’s attributes to any value or supported variable

      • Select highest/lowest/average competitor price

    • approval steps

    • Add unique Approvers

    • Add conditional tests

    • Add functions (Is Null, As Number, etc.)

  • Preview of the strategies and custom lookups

    • After selecting a product, the user can see:

      • the result price of the strategy

      • the values of the variables and custom lookups used in the calculation

    • The user can see a preview of the generated code



In this step, the user defines priorities of the strategies, basically populating the GlobalStrategySelection PP table.

View file
nameV_Williamson Verification of employment.pdf

Select Features:

  • Add, modify or delete rules

  • Highlighted changes for easier orientation and instant visual feedback

  • Auto-populating dimensions with valid combinations to prevent duplicate rules

will identify which workflows to deploy and review the primary tables that will be updated and their corresponding values.

Preview Features:

  • Selection of workflows to deploy

  • Review of ApprovalWorkflowSetup entries

  • Review of Approvers entries

  • Review of ApprovalCondition entries


In the final step, the user can hit the Deploy button in order to deploy everything the workflow to the partition .


and update the corresponding logics and tables.

Deploy Features:

  • Single button to deploy everything

  • Output with the deployment progress
