The Partner Advisory Request case type is basically used when a Partner has a question/request of for guidance to from Pricefx on any of the following items:
Sales, scoping, or estimation support = help or support from Pricefx in the sales cycle with an active prospect
Solutioning design or configuration question = assistance with solution design for a difficult use case or guidance on how to implement a certain feature
Pricefx staffing request = need for project resources from Pricefx, typically solution architecture or pricing science
Project escalation support = help from Pricefx dealing with a customer escalation or issue
General question = anything else that doesn’t fit in the categories above
On the PFX helpdesk HelpDesk page, please select Partner Advisory Services there to create a PAS Request case:
Fill inTo create the ticket, please fill in the following:
Mandatory fields:
Subject = Short description of the issue.
Account Name = Select the customer’s name.
Further Details = Write a description of the issue as detailed as possible to help us work on the issue without asking for more information.
Request Type = Choose the reason for the request.
Nonmandatory fields:
Priority = Automatically will be “Normal”. If need a change, please select using the description:
High : = Issue resulted from customer escalation or is blocking a project UAT phase or go-live.
Normal : = Issue arises during normal project work and needs support, but not actively blocking short-term UAT or go-live activities.
Low : = General how-to/suggestions to improve Pricefx documentation or partner support.
Case Owner = Automatically will be your name. If need to changeyou’re creating this on behalf of someone else, please write the correct person (need needs to be a partner contact user in helpdesk the HelpDesk for interaction).