The dataload jobs are not monitored by Support Team.
The Monitoring of job status tracker jobs can and should be monitored using is done in Platform Manager tool. During the handover of the project, the Solution architect or Configuration engineer should set up Platform Manager Notifications to alert development team resource identified by Project manager and the member of the customer team who will should be responsbile after GO LIVE.
Integration Manager Instances
Monitoring of Integration Manager Instances is done in Platform Manager tool.
Integration Manager Instances are actively being monitored by Inteegration Integration Team.
Alerts are generated if data exchange is not succesful or the imprortedata is in different format than expected expected.
During the handover of the project, the Solution architect or Configuration engineer should set up Platform Manager Notifications to alert development team resource identified by Project manager and the member of the customer team who will should be responsbile after GO LIVE.