Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Click on the Analysis tab on the top-left corner of the window. 





This section is used to prepare the data for the model the way you require it. In this Data Preparation section, you must click on the Calculate icon to start uploading the data into the model from the Datamart. 


Note: DataPrep step materializes the data applying all the filters and helps to reduce the processing time of the next steps. The “Incremental Calculate” icon can be used for partial calculations for specific changes/updates. 


Click on the Continue icon in the validation message. 



The system will display the status of the model preparation passing from Pending > Processing > Ready (give couple minutes to the system to process the request, click on the Refresh icon, if necessary).  The system now displays the number of rows of data loaded from the Datamart that will be used in this model. 



You can validate the actual data loaded into the model by going back to the Definition tab. 



Click on the Source Data tab. 



The system displays all the loaded data into the model. Notice some functions icons on the top-right area, they are available to maintain the records within the model, if case of changes.  


Purge Cache – clears the cache. The cache applies to queries on the model from the Data Preparation calculation. 


Export – allows you to export the records to an external XLS or CSV format file. 






Click back on the Analysis tab. 



Click on the DataProfile tab. 



In this Data Profile step the system provides a summary of the filtered transactions dataset. You must click on the Calculate icon to calculate the dimension values. 


Note: This step is optional, only to display the result table with all the dimensions values and to automatically remove fields with too large cardinality (previously defined) from possible Segmentation levels (we recommend executing this step only for models with changes for data troubleshooting purposes). 


Click on the Continue icon. 


Note: if you get an error message on the top of the screen about the version used, just Refresh your browser at the top-right corner:  

The system will take couple minutes to process the Data Profiling. When it is “Ready” status, it will display a list of all the dimensions (flagged fields) from the Datamart with minimum and maximum values, number of records found for each dimension and other status information as a result of the calculation. Pick any dimension from the list and click on the “Show” icon (for example Country). 


Note: The Profile calculation provides the minimum and maximum values for each dimension based on the parameters determined in the Definition tab.  


As an example, for the “Country” dimension previously selected, the system displays all the records found for each country between the minimum value (Australia) and the maximum value (Vietnam). Click on the OK icon at the bottom-right corner to close the window. 





Back in the Data Profile section, scroll down the list to see if there are any dimension with “Null” values. Notice the dimension ProductImage has null values. The system identifies these dimensions to be excluded from the Segmentation.  



Other dimensions to analyze if they should be or not part of the Segmentation process are the ones related to “periods”. Keep scrolling to the bottom of the list and locate Pricing Dates fields (week/month/quarter/year). 


Note: Notice the PricingDateWeek dimension has 105 distinct records, which is higher than the cardinality value (100), so this field will be excluded from the Segmentation. When the dimension contains several periods (e.g., years – 2020 to 2022) it wouldn’t work precisely for the Segmentation either since the dimension is too wide/large. 


On the right side of the window, the system displays the Results of the Max Cardinality (previously defined) and a summary of all the dimensions and transactions used in the calculation for data profile and eligible dimensions. You can click on the “Show” icon to display the results (use the OK icon to close the windows). 


Note: If the column #Distinct is over than Max Cardinality value, the dimension will be excluded from the Segmentation process. 


Click on the PriceDrivers tab. 



The Price Driver step helps to calculate the significance of each attribute (dimension) when it is used in the Segmentation (decision tree). The system displays the eligible dimension (attributes) list on the left area, these are the dimensions that have records under the Max Cardinality value. Click on the Expand arrow icon on the lower corner:  


The system displays the whole list of eligible dimensions to easily filter, search, select/unselect dimensions. You can click on the Dimension main label to sort the list or use (Ctrl+F) to use a search field browser for specific dimension search. You can search for any dimension and see if they are displayed in the list. For example, the dimension UniqueId is not part of the list since it has more than hundred records and is over the Max Cardinality value. 




Note: This filtering options will help to identify the missing dimensions that were excluded from the Data Profile due to Max Cardinality exceeds. 


















For this exercise, we must reduce the calculation time, please unselect the following dimensions using the check boxes, as follow: 


Note: Those unselected dimensions are not relevant for the Segmentation results that we are expecting in this exercise. During your company’s Segmentation model creation, you and your pricing team can decide which of the available dimensions are relevant (or not) for your Segmentation results.  
