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Welcome to our Rapid Learning Tutorials. My name is Andrew and I’m a content specialist with Pricefx .


Today In this guide we'll be exploring how Rebate Records are used in the Pricefx Rebates module.


Let Let's first explain what a rebate record is.


When a new rebate agreement is created, it has a number of condition types, each with their own conditions for the rebate period and calculation period. When that rebate agreement is saved a Rebate Record is created for each line item (or condition) of the rebate agreement.


Rebate records A rebate record is therefore a copy of the line conditions, with the rebate calculation logic determining the way the records are created. 

Having them available as a separate record allows you to manage each condition on it's its own to


  • Regularly re-calculate the rebate status during the year.

  • Approval the rebate value

  • Export of the approved payout money to the ERP system (to be paid to the customer).

  • Allocation of the rebate to the archived Sales Transactions. 

This makes sense as there can be more Rebate Records for one line item where the customer requires more frequent pay-outs than only once a year. If the condition requires a quarterly pay-out 4 rebate records would be created on a year long agreement.


As individual records these can be processed independently throughout the rebate cycle, if required.


Let's begin by looking at Rebate Records in the system.


Navigating to Rebate Records

Let's navigate on the Menu to Rebates> Rebate Records.



Note: Rebate Records inherit user group view and edit permissions from their parent Rebate Agreements. If these permissions are set, you must be member of the groups to be able to view/edit the related Rebate Records.

Working with Rebate Records


After you select an individual rebate record, you can use the buttons below and above the list to copy or mass submit rebate records or to export them to XLS.


We can also see a number of columns containing rebate information. I'll point out a few and some information that you may find useful.


  • Source ID – Clicking its value opens the associated Rebate Agreement.

  • Rank (optional) – When a Rebate Record calculation job runs, it sorts the Rebate Records by rank, so records with a lower rank get calculated first.


As we scroll across to the right, you can see a number of fields and information that you'll recognise from the rebate agreement, so I won't cover it here, but as we get to the far right we can see information about the processing of the rebate record itself.

We see information such as the Current Baseline Value, the current rebate due based on the most up to date transaction details, as well as additional forecast fields.


If we wanted to see the Calculation Results the Calculation Results icon (at the end of the line) – Opens the calculation results and provides use with a singular view for this rebate record. 


If we close that and select a Rebate Record we can see the Rebate Record Detail


In the detailed view, select a Rebate Record from the table (there will be one record for each line item).


  • Rebate Calculation – Allows you to see how the record was calculated. Displays the calculation logic, target date and user inputs and the calculation results.


  • Rebate Text – Allows you to add notes to the record.


  • Rebate Record – Displays the whole record – all attributes and its values. Many of the attributes will be standard, however you'll see a large number of available fields here that are customisable to your own organizational requirements.


  • Then Rebate Calculation Base – Enables you to see the Datamart data on which the calculation is based. Typically, a filter will be applied to display data relevant for one customer and for the duration of the Rebate Agreement.


  • Defined rebate queries and rebate charts will also be available for selection here.


Let's now return to the Rebate Records and see what other actions are available to you. 


Copying Rebate Records

Copying is available only for approved rebate records and only for users with the Administer Rebate Records role.


Submitting Rebate Records


The Revoke action is available only for approved records – in the Rebate Record detail view – and only for users with the Administer Rebate Records role. This action is useful when the Rebate Record was approved in Pricefx, integration did not happen yet and there is nothing to reverse in ERP. When this action is used, the record changes its status to Revoked.

Thank You

That concludes our tutorial on Rebate Records. If you'd like to find out more about other functionality mentioned in this tutorial, please visit our knowledgebase where you'll find tutorials covering a range of topics and Pricefx Functionality.