Pricefx Standard Abbreviation
Check the abbreviations that our teams use very often.
Analytics - one of the Pricefx functional areas where users can visualize pricing data.
Floor price - lowest price calculated on the base of profitability
Price ceiling - the highest price for selling a product
Distributor price – wholesale price in B2B businesses (example: manufacturer sells tyers to distributor)
Bottom-up pricing - method in which all the costs are calculated first and the desired profit is added to the total cost to calculate the price
Top-down pricing - method in which the price is calculated on the basis of the perceived value of the product by customer and then pushed down
Global pricing – global price setting that is applicable for all business units
Local pricing – regional price setting that comes on top of the global pricing
Product Life Cycle – product life stages reflected mostly in sales: introduction, growth, maturity, decline
Pocket margin – final margin (profit before taxes)
Margin Leakage – areas where the company loses money
If some of the Terminology is missing from your point of view, please leave us the comment with suggestions below.