Feature Flags

Feature Flags

The Feature Flags section allows administrators to manage the application's behavior and appearance by modifying the provided properties.

Feature flags' values can also be changed in PlatformManager. The advantage of using PlatformManager is that you can check and modify feature flags for multiple partitions in one go.

How to Find Out More About the Features

Hover over ? to find more information about the feature.

  • You must have the General Admin or General Admin (without User Management) user role assigned to be able to access feature flags.

  • The set of displayed feature flags depends on your application environment and can be filtered according to a specific CRM.

How to Find Out Which Configuration File is Currently in Use

There are multiple places where you can find this information:

How to Modify Other Configuration Files That Are Not Selected by Feature Flags

You can use one of the two possible approaches:

  1. Use Pricefx Studio/Code to retrieve the configuration, make necessary updates and then push the changes back.

  2. In Pricefx Unity, locate all configuration files within the Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Advanced Configuration Options page. This is where you can implement any necessary modifications to the configuration files.

  3. Open Pricefx Unity with the following URL structure:


How to Set Config in URL for CRM System in RelayState

By default, crm_config is used. It stores partition specific setup of feature flags and it can be found in Advanced Configuration Options. A new value for crm_config can also be created from PlatformManager.

In Administration > Configuration > External Systems > SAML Configuration add new RelayState.

There are two fields, relayStateName and relayStateURL which should contain:

  • relayStateName: The name which will represent for which purpose the relayState will be used, for example: opportunityPage, accountPage, dashboard.

  • relayStateURL: URL provided below can be used in most cases, only confName and partition should be changed. App implies that it will use the default application version for the current cluster. The question mark ? means that parameters for the app will be added after this character.


URL Parameters Explanation

partition: Usually there are multiple partitions per cluster, for example: dev, uat, qa.

applicationEnvironment: The default application environment is standalone, meaning that Pricefx does not have access to any CRM system context. Interceptors will also not function in a standalone environment.

confName: The name of the configuration file that should be used by the application should be declared here.

How to Find Out Which Config Is Used

There are three places where this information can be found:

  • On the Feature Flags page right next to the page heading

  • User Menu > User Settings

  • Administration > Configuration > CRM Integration > Overview

How to Adjust Main Menu and Set Home Page

Using feature flags you can adjust the main menu or set a home page. For details see routeId Values to Use in Feature Flags.

Salesforce Exclusive Settings

How to Use Aura (Lightning Components)

  • For TAB: Use autoGrow = true and heightBottomMargin = 0px for full height.

  • For MODAL: Use fixed height and autoGrow = false.

  • For TAB and MODAL:Use autoGrow = true and heightBottomMargin >= 100px. The larger the value of heightBottomMargin, the smaller the Lightning component will be in TAB. Recommendation: Create two separate relayState in Pricefx and connected Apps in SFDC to apply different settings for both modal and tab.


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Pricefx version 14.0